释义 |
tun·er \-nə(r)\ noun (-s) : one that tunes or is used for tuning: as a. : a specialist in tuning musical instruments < piano tuner > b. : a workman who adjusts a mechanism for peak performance < power-loom tuner > < typewriter tuner > < a tuner of old cars > c. (1) : tuning fork (2) : pitch pipe (3) : a device for tuning an organ flue pipe consisting of an adjustable flap or opening near its top by which the vibrating length of the air chamber may be changed (4) : a device attached to the tailpiece of a bowed stringed musical instrument to facilitate the tuning of the upper strings d. (1) : an instrument (as a tuning capacitor) for tuning an electric circuit (2) : the part of a receiving set consisting of the circuit used to adjust resonance |