释义 |
pois·son distribution I. \(ˈ)pwa]|sōⁿ-, -wä]\ noun Usage: usually capitalized P Etymology: after Siméon D. Poisson died 1840 French mathematician and statistician : a distribution in statistics that is a good approximation to the binomial distribution when the probability of success in a single trial is very small and the number of trials is very large II. \pwäˈsōⁿ-\ noun Usage: usually capitalized P Etymology: after Siméon D. Poisson died 1840 French mathematician : a probability density function that is often used as a mathematical model of the number of outcomes (as traffic accidents, atomic disintegrations, or organisms) obtained in a suitable interval of time and space, that has the mean equal to the variance, that is used as an approximation to the binomial distribution, and that has the form f(x) = e-μμx/x! where μ is the mean and x takes on nonnegative integral values |