

单词 turn
释义 turn
I. \ˈtərn, ˈtə̄n, ˈtəin\ transitive verb
Etymology: Middle English turnen; partly from Old English tyrnan & turnian to turn, from Medieval Latin tornare, from Latin, to turn on a lathe, round off, from tornus lathe, chisel, from Greek tornos dividers, lathe; partly from Old French torner, tourner, from Medieval Latin tornare; akin to Latin terere to rub — more at throw
 a. : to cause to move in a curved especially circular path around or as if around an axis or a center : make rotate or revolve
  < turn a wheel >
  < turn a crank >
  < great wheel turns its axle when it can — Theodore Roethke >
  < shaft … can be turned … at higher than 50,000 revolutions per minute — Ford Times >
  < how that little scrapper could hold and turn a miner's drill — N.C.Wilson >
  (1) : to cause to move around in such a path far enough or enough times to effect a desired end (as of locking, opening, or shutting)
   < turn a key in a lock >
   < turned the knob till the door opened >
   < turn a screw tight >
   < shut the door and turned the bolt — Paul Horgan >
   < turn the cap to release it >
   < turned the handle to the shut position >
  (2) : to affect or alter the functioning of (as a mechanical device) by or as if by operation of a control moving in this way
   < turned the lamp as low as it would go >
   < turned the heating pad too high >
   < turned the steam iron to rayon >
 c. : to execute or perform by rotating or revolving like a rolling wheel
  < turn a double somersault >
  < turn handsprings >
  or like a spinning top
  < turns a clumsy pirouette — G.C.Menotti >
 d. : to twist to one side or out of line or shape : wrench
  < so easy … to plant a swift blow, to turn a fragile wrist — H.A.Overstreet >
  < stumbled along, turning his ankle at frequent intervals — Peggy Bennett >
  (1) : to cause to change position, posture, or part exposed by moving through an arc of a circle
   < nurse could easily turn a patient twice her size >
   < leaned out, and turned his heavy shoulders … around to gaze up into the dark night — Glenway Wescott >
   < kept turning his hat in his hands >
   < turned his chair to the fire >
  (2) : to cause to move around a center so as to see or to show another side or angle
   < turning the pages of the book >
  specifically : to turn the leaves of (a book) : read or search through
  (3) : to cause (as the beam or platform of a scale) to move up or down : cause to register weight
   < turned the scale at 160 pounds >
  (4) : to cause to move or stir in any way
   < a fate she did not turn a finger to escape — V.L.Parrington >
 b. : to revolve mentally : consider and reconsider in various aspects or from several points of view : think over : ponder
  < turned the question every which way but could find no answer >
  < was still turning the idea about when he fell asleep >
  — usually used with over
  < turning the scenes and characters over in his mind — Ernest Newman >
  < appeared to be turning something over in his mind — Douglas Stewart >
  < disturbing thought … persisted. He turned it over continuously as he rode — T.B.Costain >
 a. : to reverse the position of (as by making the uppermost side or part the undermost, or the outermost side or part the innermost, or the front the back) : reverse the sides or surfaces of : invert
  < turn an hourglass >
  < turn pancakes >
  < turn a phonograph record >
  < coat can be turned and worn either side out >
  < turn 4 thin veal fillets in 1 oz. seasoned flour — Modern Woman >
  < turned the rug frequently to equalize wear >
  (1) : to dig or plow so as to invert the turf or bring the lower soil to the surface
   < soil should be turned after the harvest >
   < was eager to get home and begin turning his ground — G.S.Perry >
   < sod … almost had to be turned by main strength, piece by piece — O.E.Rölvaag >
  (2) : to make (as a garment) over by unpicking the stitching, reversing the material, and resewing
   < turn a dress >
   < turn a collar >
  (3) : to invert feet up and face down (as a character, rule, or slug) in setting type (as in place of a letter or matter temporarily unavailable or to draw attention to a change to be made)
 b. : to reverse or upset the order or disposition of : change drastically the arrangement of things in
  < found everything turned topsy-turvy >
  < robbers had turned the room upside down >
  < in adapting the novel … have turned the story on its head — Arthur Knight >
  (1) : to disturb or upset the mental balance of : derange, unsettle
   < thwarted affections had turned her brain — Kathleen Freeman >
   < a mind turned by grief >
  (2) : to affect the power of judgment of (as by causing to become infatuated or to harbor extravagant notions of pride or conceit) — used chiefly in the phrase turn one's head
   < success had not turned his head >
   < silly girl's head had been turned by a handful of compliments >
 d. : to cause (the stomach) to revolt (as at something swallowed) : upset
  < very thought of food turned his stomach >
 e. : to set in another especially contrary direction
  < turned his horse and rode away >
  < hard car to turn in a narrow street >
 a. : to cause to have or take another path or direction : bend or change the course of
  < turn the channel of a stream >
  < saddle stock spooked and I had to run them two miles to turn them — Bruce Siberts & W.D.Wyman >
  < turn a car into a stream of traffic >
  (1) : to reverse the course or direction of : make go back
   < captured cart was turned and rumbled past — F.V.W.Mason >
   < series of revolts which was definitely to turn the tide against reaction — C.L.Jones >
  (2) : to cause to retreat
   < police used fire hoses and tear gas to turn the mob >
  (3) : to check the course of (as by interposing an obstacle) : make go back or go aside : keep out or off
   < wires are close enough together … to turn hogs and sheep — Fence >
   < struck like a club in the dark … not to be turned by any plea — R.O.Bowen >
  (4) : to cause (a ball) to break — used of a cricket bowler
   < flights the ball well, turns it markedly any way — Sunday Express (Johannesburg) South Africa >
  (1) : to alter the drift, tendency, or natural or expected result of (as a course of thought, action, or progress)
   < alliance … led directly to war, and turned the course of history — L.L.Snyder >
   < is not facts … but what people think about the facts that turns elections — Times Literary Supplement >
   < turned the talk to baseball >
  (2) : to divert especially from a course of action, an intention, an attitude
   < would not be turned from his life of senseless pleasure >
   < a plea that would have turned a heart of stone >
  (1) : to change direction by bending a course around or about : take a usually circular or elliptical path around : round
   < turned the corner at full speed >
   < watched the leading boat turn the first marker >
  (2) : to get around in this way : get to the other side of
   < ship had turned the cape and was now homeward bound >
   < a play designed to turn the end of the defensive line >
   < was so intent on surprising the enemy … that his right flank was turned, and he suffered … a crushing defeat — R.L.Conolly >
 d. : to pass or go beyond (as an amount)
  < was waiting for the clock to turn ten >
  < turned seventeen the day he graduated >
  < this robust man, just turned fifty, died of cerebral hemorrhage — Padraic Colum >
  < turned of seventy years, he had withdrawn from active business — F.L.Paxson >
  (1) : to direct or point (as a glance) in a specified way
   < had turned his face from the curious onlookers >
   < turned a pair of stricken eyes on his mother — T.B.Costain >
   < turning more and more hostile looks in her direction — Charles Lee >
   < will find anxious eyes all over the town turned toward the dropping mercury — Judson Philips >
  (2) : to present by or as if by a change in direction or position
   < turn the cheek even to the smiter's hand — P.B.Shelley >
   < apologized for turning his back to his guests >
   < face she turned to the world was always serene >
   < cattle had turned tail to the storm — F.B.Gipson >
   < the novel, a powerful modern agency for civilization … must turn to the light many ugly realities — Carl Van Doren >
   < always turned his left profile to the cameras >
  (3) : to change the direction of (as the face) : direct another way or various ways
   < stood alone in the open doorway turning his eyes speculatively >
  often : to cause to be directed away or aside
   < turned her face and wept >
   < staring match to see who would first turn his eyes >
  (4) archaic : to cause (as oneself) to face or go another way or a specified way
 b. : to bring to bear by moving, aiming, pointing, or focusing especially from a point of rest : train
  < turned his light into the dark doorway >
  — usually used with on or upon
  < turned the binoculars on those retreating backs — Maurice Duggan >
  < cannon were turned on the city and street fighting broke out — C.L.Jones >
  < had been vaguely turning his torch on the number plates of a short line of cars — Elizabeth Bowen >
  < turned his cameras directly upon the violence and brutality of life — Arthur Knight >
  < bring them into his study and turn upon them the light of his critical analysis — V.L.Parrington >
  (1) : to direct (as the mind) toward or away from something
   < turn his thoughts to home >
   < recording companies must turn their attention … to other kinds of music — P.H.Lang >
   < was free to turn his whole mind and will to work — Carl Van Doren >
   < urging him to turn his thoughts towards religion — R.A.Hall b. 1911 >
   < sought to turn man's curious mind from this world to the next — Marjory S. Douglas >
   < turn public attention to the fascinating underworld of the unconscious — C.I.Glicksberg >
   < cool evenings and heavy dews that turn the mind toward sweaters — Virgil Thomson >
  (2) archaic : to direct (oneself) toward or away from a concern with someone or something
  (1) obsolete : to lead or bring (a person) to or into some state or situation by influencing or causing to become involved
   < all the trouble thou hast turned me to — Shakespeare >
  (2) : to induce or influence (a person) to change his way of life (as from ungodly to godly or from one religious faith to another)
   < a popish place like that! They'll turn her … sure as death and taxes — Angus Mowat >
  (3) archaic : to direct the course of (as a series of events)
   < Apollo turn all to the best — Shakespeare >
  (1) : to direct the employment of (as to some use or purpose) : make use of : apply, devote — used with to
   < turn anthropological knowledge to practical uses — Ralph Linton >
   < studying how they could best turn to their own benefit the doctrines they found — F.L.Paxson >
   < turned misfortune to good account — Sir Winston Churchill >
   < turns her compassion to finding ways in which she and her staff can help — Lamp >
   < sawmill and gristmill were erected … and a soda spring nearby turned to the use of the Saints — R.A.Billington >
  (2) : to make use of (as a person) for or in the accomplishment of a purpose
   < turned every available workman on the unexpected order >
   < turned all hands onto the job of cleaning up >
  (1) : to direct or bring to bear in opposition especially by reversing the use or application of something : cause to rebound or recoil
   < tests the Communists' underlying contention … and turns their argument against them — Arthur Knight >
   < secured or collected Japanese swords, then turned them upon their former owners — R.W.Thorp >
  (2) : to lead or cause to dislike : make antagonistic : prejudice — used with against
   < turn a child against its mother >
   < campaign to turn the people against their leaders >
   < had an arrogant manner that turned many against him >
  (1) : to cause to go or move in a particular direction
   < turned his steps homeward >
  (2) : to make go or move elsewhere : drive, send
   < turn cows to pasture >
   < farmers round about turn into these woods their young cattle — John Burroughs >
   < turned the cat into the cellar for the night >
  especially : to send or order away
   < officers were turned adrift by the mutineers >
   — usually used with away, from, off, out of
   < kind of man who would turn a homeless child from his door >
   < turned his wayward son out of his house >
   < no deserving person is ever turned away from that mission >
   < kept busy turning hunters off his land >
  (3) : to convey or direct into or out of a receptacle by turning (as by inverting a container or operating a cock or faucet)
   < don't need a recipe — just turn the meat into a pot, heat, and serve >
   < mixture was turned into a baking tin and popped into a preheated oven >
   < asked by the police to turn the contents of her handbag out onto the table >
  (1) archaic : to change the nature or appearance of : metamorphose, transmute
  (2) : to make acid or sour : curdle, ferment
   < hot weather may turn milk >
  (3) : to change the color of (as foliage)
  (1) : to cause to become something specified : convert, transform — used with into or to
   < giant elms that turn those streets into great cathedrals in summer — Maxwell Mays >
   < turned an almost impossible challenge into a remarkable personal triumph — C.H.Driver >
   < had turned disappointment into contentment and failure into success — Ellen Glasgow >
   < would turn their ancient town into just another dormitory-suburb — Sam Pollock >
   < device that turns the sun's light directly into electricity — E.C.Bullard >
   < tries to turn every contact into a vote — R.L.Duffus >
   < gadget that was going to turn us all into a nation of gawking illiterates — R.M.Yoder >
   < claim the desert can be turned to farmland — Newsweek >
   < cannot leave his comedy turned to sadness by the sentencing of the youths — K.F.Thompson >
  (2) : to render in another language or another form of expression : translate, paraphrase — usually used with into
   < beautifully sculptured French has been turned into equally impressive English — Times Literary Supplement >
   < selected a group of translators … to turn into Latin a considerable number of important Greek books — G.C.Sellery >
   < struggled to turn Indian legends and colonial tales into verse — Howard M. Jones >
  also : to phrase differently : give a different cast or form to
 c. : to cause to become of a specified nature or appearance — used with into or to
  < turns the marble pillars above into a dusky silver >
  < salt air of the Cape is said to turn the shingles on roofs and walls to a distinctive gray — Jackson Rivers >
  < wondered if the contortionist would be able to turn himself into his right shape again >
 d. : to exchange for something else : dispose of by exchanging for an equivalent
  < turned his stocks and bonds into cash >
  < turn a pocketful of coins into paper money >
 e. : to change (as a person) so as to make different in a specified way : affect so as to cause a specified reaction
  < starvation, thirst, heat and chills turn them mad or sullen — Charles Lee >
  < turns your tongue black if you drink too much of it — R.H.Newman >
  < last year's drought turned things worse — Christian Science Monitor >
  < improvements turned them obsolete — Roger Burlingame >
  < if the resulting bungles … do not turn the cold war hot — Times Literary Supplement >
 f. : to cause to be regarded in a particular way : make the subject (as of ridicule) — used especially in the phrase turn to ridicule
  < humiliates him by patronizing him and turns to ridicule his abilities and ambitions — Edmund Wilson >
 a. : to shape or fashion especially in a rounded form by applying a cutting tool while revolving in a lathe : form in a lathe
  < turn a set of table legs >
  < craftsmen turning small ivory figurines >
  < most effective cutting rate in relation to the material being turnedIndustrial Improvement >
 b. : to give a rounded form to by any means (as carving or molding)
  < showed him how to turn the volute of a capital — Van Wyck Brooks >
  (1) archaic : to cause (as an arch) to be built : construct
  (2) : to cut off the rind or skin of (as an orange) in a narrow spiral strip : remove the stone from (as an olive) by paring off the flesh in such a strip
  (3) : to make a curved section in (a piece of needlework); specifically : to perform the operations necessary to make the curved form of (a heel of a stocking)
   < looking down at her as she sat turning a heel — J.M.Barrie >
  (1) : to shape or mold artistically, gracefully, or neatly especially in curved or rounded form as if on a lathe
   < girl with magnificently turned ankles — New Yorker >
   < a long nyloned leg, a trifle thin but well turned — Earle Birney >
  (2) : to fashion skillfully (as a piece of literary work)
   < really knows how to turn a sentence >
   < has a knack for turning a phrase — W.O.Douglas >
   < man's obviously literate, can turn neat and precise phrases — Rex Ingamells >
   < slick, quick, well turned plays — H.A.L.Craig >
   < speaks rather elegant and carefully turned English — Winthrop Sargent >
   < a gentle squib of beautifully turned parody — Britain Today >
  sometimes : to execute skillfully
   < performances are … well turned — Edward Sackville-West & Desmond Shawe-Taylor >
 d. obsolete : to equip specially by nature : adapt, fit
  < by nature turned to play the rake — Jonathan Swift >
8. : to make a fold, crook, bend, or curve in by or as if by pressure: as
 a. obsolete : fold
 b. obsolete : plait
 c. : to bend or twist so as to encircle
  < creepers turned their tendrils about a picket fence >
  < had a snake turned round his arm >
 d. : to form by bending
  < turn a lead pipe >
  < tubing had been turned in a U-shaped curve >
  (1) : to cause (the edge of a blade) to bend back or over : cause to give by meeting resistance (as from a hard surface)
   < even ordinary slicing tends to turn a fine edge — L.D.Bement >
   : blunt, dull
   < if skins are too thick, they are reduced … with a moon knife with a turned edge — H.R.Procter >
   < thinks the edge of this objection can be turned — R.J.Spilsbury >
  (2) : to dull or soften (as the power to cut or penetrate) in something that is done or expressed — used chiefly in the phrase turn the edge of or sometimes turn the point of
   < spoke slowly and softly with a smile that did little to turn the edge of his attack >
   < this … approach … turns the edge of certain hostile criticisms — Journal of Philosophy >
 a. : to keep (as money) moving, circulating, or passing in trade; specifically : to dispose of (a stock) so as to make room for another
  < pushcart vendor of oranges may turn his stock every day — J.W.Wingate >
 b. : to make or gain chiefly by buying or selling or performing work or services)
  < were not able to turn a penny in the present market >
  < scheme to sell tea cheaply to the colonies and turn a quick penny at the same time — James Street >
  < known to be turning a profit this year — Doyle Smee >
  < doing odd jobs to turn an honest penny — John Dos Passos >
  < tricks … by which a more or less dishonest dollar can be turned — V.O.Key >
I. \ˈtərn, ˈtə̄n, ˈtəin\ intransitive verb
 a. : to move around on an axis or about a center : move in circles or through an arc of a circle : revolve or rotate as a wheel does : wheel or whirl around
  < wheel turned rapidly >
  < gate creaked as it turned on its hinges >
  < heavens … turn in silence round the pole — A.E.Housman >
  < key would not turn in the lock >
  < meat was turning on the spit >
 b. of the head or brain : to have a sensation of whirling : become giddy or dizzy : reel
  < I'll look no more lest my brain turn — Shakespeare >
  < hated heights; they always made his head turn >
  (1) : to have as a decisive factor : hinge — usually used with on or upon
   < problems will rarely turn on simple questions of right or wrong — H.G.Rickover >
   < the second act … the one upon which the whole work turns — Virgil Thomson >
   < the trouble turned substantially on the failure … to consult and inform our allies — New Republic >
   < guilt or innocence … turns on the identification of the weapon — Irish Digest >
   < argument turns upon a point not of ethics but logic — Gail Kennedy >
  (2) : to have a center (as of interest) in something specified : concentrate attention : relate principally — used with around or about
   < social activity turned largely around official and church activities — C.L.Jones >
   < story turns about a tormented passion felt by a dying young girl — Charles Lee >
   or with on or upon
   < discussion turned solely upon the feasibility of the scheme >
   < differences of opinion have turned mainly upon … how the success in Vienna can be turned to advantage here — J.E.Williams >
 a. : to shift one's position as if by moving on an axis or through the arc of a circle
  < suffer with cramps in the muscles … when they turn or stretch — Morris Fishbein >
  < had lain twisting and turning as he bemoaned their fate — O.E.Rölvaag >
  < turned on his side >
  < tossed and turned, sighing and groaning — Kenneth Roberts >
  < enough to make a person turn in his grave >
 b. : to move in a circular course or as if on an axis so as to face in various directions or in the opposite direction
  < cabin was so small that a dog could hardly turn in it — Tobias Smollett >
  < can turn on a dime for repeated depth-charge attacks — J.C.Furnas >
  < turned on his heel and walked away >
  < boat could turn in its own length >
 c. : to incline from a horizontal position (as up or down from a point of rest) — used of a scale or balance
 d. : to come by turning the leaves of a book
  < turn ahead to the third chapter >
  < one can only leaf through the pictures or turn to a list at the end of the book — Jane G. Mahler >
 a. : to direct one's course
  < was completely lost, hadn't the faintest idea which way to turn >
  < was content to go whichever way his feet turned >
  < they turned into a street in which there was considerable activity — Irwin Shaw >
  (1) : to reverse a course or direction : go backward or in the opposite direction : become reversed
   < market turned sharply in the afternoon >
   < nervous footpad turned and fled >
   < luck turned and he went broke >
  specifically : to change from ebb to flow or flow to ebb
   < you should start half an hour to an hour before the tide turns — Peter Heaton >
  (2) : to have a reactive usually adverse effect : recoil
   < the … advantage — the buoyancy and liveliness of their lightly loaded craft — abruptly turned against them — Walter O'Meara >
 c. : to change one's course : take a different course or direction
  < turned toward home >
  < turn to the left at the foot of the hill >
  < turned from the road into a tree-shaded lane >
  < rabbit ran out and turned along the hedge — Adrian Bell >
  < surge which had traveled southwards along our east coast later turned and moved northwards — J.A.Steers >
  < economy has begun to turn downward — L.H.Keyserling >
  < corporate profits are turning upward — Newsweek >
  (1) : to execute or perform any of various maneuvers or procedures for changing course or direction (as of a ship or a fleet, a body of troops, a swimmer, skater, skier, or dancer); specifically : to change direction by tacking
  (2) : to walk here and there : take a turn — used with about
   < was at home in the country … turning about his grounds, sauntering by a brookside — Van Wyck Brooks >
  (3) of the wind : to blow from a different quarter : shift
   < in the afternoon the wind turned into the east — Kenneth Roberts >
   < the wind turned and the sky cleared >
  (4) : break 5b(1)
 d. : to change direction at, along, or by means of a bend or curve
  < main road turns sharp right at the fork >
  < highway turns gradually away from the river >
  < river did indeed finally turn to the left — Tom Marvel >
  < long hall runs the length of the building without turning >
 a. : to change position so as to face or be directed another way
  < everywhere the eye turns … it encounters propaganda — New York Times Magazine >
 often : to move one's head or body so as to face in another direction or to see something behind or to one side : face about
  < heard his name called but did not turn >
  < astonished dignitaries were turning to stare at him — Al Hine & J.P.O'Neill >
 b. : to change position so as to face toward or away from someone or something
  < however one turns, one cannot evade the truth — R.M.Weaver >
  < turn from a gruesome sight >
  < turned expectantly toward the door >
  < had taken fright at our behavior and turned to the captain pitifully — Joseph Conrad >
 c. : to change one's position or attitude or reverse one's course of action to one of opposition or hostility:
  (1) : to change from submission or friendliness to resistance or opposition
   < even a worm will turn >
   — usually used with against
   < felt that the whole world had suddenly turned against him >
   < even the younger men had turned against me — W.B.Yeats >
  (2) : to vent anger or resentment — used with on or upon
   < turned upon them with a ferocity which made a savage of him on the spot — Virginia Woolf >
   < must come up with solutions or his party will be quick to turn on him — New Republic >
  (3) : make a sudden violent assault
   < bulls often turned on the wounded, and the hunter could thus induce a fight — C.D.Forde >
   < dog had suddenly and for no apparent reason turned on his master >
 a. : to direct one's attention or thoughts to or away from someone or something
  < men have turned from the discussion of universals — H.O.Taylor >
  < turns away in this book from his previous shock-treatment style of writing — Henry Cavendish >
  < played for society dances before turning to the blues — Hubert Creekmore >
  < former has turned to religion while the latter is still trying to live with uncertainty — Granville Hicks >
 also : to find itself directed in this way
  < riding to Canterbury, his mind naturally turned to church history — S.M.Crothers >
  < the thoughts of pioneers turned to self-government — R.A.Billington >
  < English prose turned to the sea in the early eighteenth century — W.P.Webb >
  (1) : to change one's way of life or thought by being converted to religion or a godly life
   < turn to God >
   < disciples must turn, i.e. change their dispositions and habits — Interpreter's Bible >
  specifically : to change one's religion especially as between Roman Catholic or Protestant
   < he's a Catholic and I'm going to turn — Victoria Lincoln >
   < feeling … that you've been praying for me to turn — Ruth Park >
  (2) : to go over to another side or party especially by deserting or revolting : defect
 c. : to address oneself or direct one's attention to another subject : concern oneself with something different
  < let us turn now from mechanics to medicine — Benjamin Farrington >
  < now let us turn to the United States and its theater — Marc Connelly >
  < kept wishing the speaker would turn to something less gloomy >
 also : to come in its course : move on
  < talk, by some odd chance, had turned to the value of reticence in art — Thomas Wood †1950 >
  < one evening over a cocktail the conversation turned to trout — Alexander MacDonald >
 d. : to betake oneself (as for information, help, or support) : have recourse — used with to
  < for the historical presentation of contemporary literature one must turn to … foreign critics — F.B.Millett >
  : refer
  < the book to which one turns inevitably for information on whaling — Hal Nielson >
  < book … that can be turned to again and again — Arthur Knight >
  : resort
  < government is not likely to turn to private sources for dollars at higher rates of interest — J.C.Harsch >
  < for relaxation he turns to tennis — Current Biography >
  < painful illness led him to turn to drugs >
  < employers turned to the regions where cheap labor was to be found — Oscar Handlin >
  < few experts … to whom it could turn for knowledge and counsel — C.W.de Kiewiet >
  < a man to turn to in time of need >
 e. : to direct one's efforts or interests : devote or apply oneself
  < fewer studying medicine and more turning to agriculture and dairy science — Irish Digest >
  < came out of the army with nothing in mind to turn to >
  < turned to the study of the law with enthusiasm >
 a. : to become changed, altered, or transformed (as in nature, character, or appearance): as
  (1) archaic : to become different
  (2) : to change color — used especially of leaves
   < by the first of October most of the leaves have turned — W.H.Upson >
   < hickories were turning slowly and here and there the boughs were brushed with wine-color — Ellen Glasgow >
  (3) : to become sour, rancid, or tainted
   < found that the milk had turned >
  (4) : to be variable or inconstant
  (5) : to become mentally unbalanced : become deranged
  (1) : to become transformed or converted into something else (as by receiving a new character or new properties) : pass from one state to another : change — used with into or to
   < water had turned to ice >
   < passive neglect turned into active antagonism — G.G.Coulton >
   < went away a fledgling and he has turned into a man — Louis Bromfield >
   < friendship … turns into conflict, and in the end a formal duel is held — R.A.Hall b. 1911 >
   < puzzled look … turned quickly to one of understanding — T.B.Costain >
   < no clear dividing line between fluids and jellies … one may turn readily into the other — New Biology >
  (2) : to become changed so as to be of a specified nature : change to : grow
   < hair had turned gray >
   < face turned white >
   < milk turned sour >
   < animal turned nasty >
   < weather turned bad >
   < voice turned shrill >
   < cautious ones turned moderately optimistic — Biddle Survey >
   < country turned thin and poor, with great patches of naked ground — H.L.Davis >
  (3) : to become someone or something specified by change from another state : come to be
   < turn state's evidence >
   < both poets in the end turned men of action — Osbert Sitwell >
   < dancing-school teacher who turns call girl — Anthony Boucher >
   < in Latin America physicians frequently turn author and statesman — Americas >
   < wartime diary of a journalist turned lieutenant commander — A.A.Ageton >
   < walls rise sheer around the courtyard turned theater — Claudia Cassidy >
   < picture themselves turning explorer and going home down the Amazon — Geographical Journal >
7. : to become curved or bent (as from pressure); especially : to become blunted by bending
 < the knife's edge had turned >
8. : to become upset : become nauseated — used of the stomach
 a. : to operate a lathe
 b. : to admit of fashioning on a lathe
  < beech is largely used … since it turns easily in the lathe — F.D.Smith & Barbara Wilcox >
  < ivory turns well >
10. of merchandise : to become stocked and disposed of : turn over : change hands
11. of a goat : to come in heat again after service by a buck
 revolve, rotate, gyrate, circle, spin, twirl, whirl, wheel, eddy, swirl, pirouette: turn is a general rather colorless word interchangeable with most of the others in their less specific uses. revolve may suggest regular circular motion on an orbit around something exterior to the item in question; it may refer to the dependence of the less important, the secondary, on something cardinal or pivotal which resolves or determines
  < though local questions, such as the State Bank and state aid to railroads, gave rise to sharp contests, politics usually revolved around national questions — A.B.Moore >
  < everything in that house revolved upon Aunt Mary — Margaret Deland >
  rotate is likely to suggest a circular motion on an interior axis within the thing under consideration which may be not moving otherwise
  < the earth rotates on its axis while it revolves on its orbit >
  gyrate may suggest the regularity of revolve but it is likely to be used to indicate a fluctuating or swinging back and forth which describes circular or spiral patterns
  < stocks gyrated dizzily on uncertainty over the foreign situation — Wall Street Journal >
  < a low cloud of dust raised by the dog gyrating madly about — Joseph Conrad >
  circle may simply indicate a movement around in a more or less circular pattern, or it may indicate any lack of straight directness in a winding course
  < a flock of black ibises circled high overhead wheeling endlessly on the ascending air currents — Dillon Ripley >
  < the essayist's licence to circle and meander — Virginia Woolf >
  spin indicates rapid sustained rotation on an inner axis or fast circling around an exterior point
  < he who but ventures into the outer circle of the whirlpool is spinning, ere he has time for thought in its dizzy vortex — Bayard Taylor >
  twirl adds to the ideas of spin those of dexterity, lightness, or easy grace
  < this … book … I toss i' the air, and catch again, and twirl about — Robert Browning >
  whirl stresses force, power, speed, and impetus of rotary or circular motion
  < and collections of opaque particles whirled to shore by the eddies — William Bartram >
  < the withered leaves had gathered violence in pursuit, and were whirling after her like a bevy of witches — Ellen Glasgow >
  wheel may suggest either going in a circular or twisted course or turning on an arc or curve to a new course
  < a familiar sight is the turkey vulture wheeling against the skies to the north — American Guide Series: Arizona >
  < she had crossed the threshold to the porch, when, wheeling abruptly, she went back into the hall — Ellen Glasgow >
  eddy suggests the circular movement, sometimes fast, sometimes slow, of an eddy; it may be used in situations involving indirection, futility, or isolation from main currents
  < as the smoke slowly eddied away — Stephen Crane >
  < the dead leaves which eddied slowly down through the windless calm — Rebecca West >
  < waves of friends and reporters eddied through the apartment — Time >
  swirl suggests more rapidity, flow, or graceful attractiveness than eddy
  < further than ever comet flared or vagrant star-dust swirled — Rudyard Kipling >
  < the black water was running like a millrace and raising a turbulent coil as it swirled and tossed over the ugly heads of jutting rocks — T.B.Costain >
  < her dark hair swirled about her face — Helen Howe >
  pirouette suggests the light graceful turning of a ballet dancer
  < ashes pirouetted down, coquetting with young beeches — Alfred Tennyson >
Synonym: see in addition depend.
 divert, deflect, avert, sheer: turn is comprehensive in its scope and devoid of specific connotation; it could be used in any of the citations in the following, although with some loss of force and distinctness. divert stresses the idea of turning a thing or a person from a natural, expected course, way, or pattern into another
  < vast quantities of water can be diverted from one to the other watershed with very little engineering work — B.K.Sandwell >
  < the machinery of our economic life has been diverted from peace to war — Clement Attlee >
 deflect is more likely to be used in reference to bouncing, refraction, or ricochet from a straight course or fixed direction
  < when they were fired at a thin film of metal, the majority passed through without being substantially deflected from their courses — James Jeans >
  In more figurative uses, it implies a turning, refracting, or deviating from a clearly evident course, direction, or pattern
  < he underwent all those things — but none of them deflected his purpose — Hilaire Belloc >
  < after all, she had perhaps purposely deflected the conversation from her own affairs — Edith Wharton >
  < the spirit … of the Romance tongues deflecting it from classical constructions — H.O.Taylor >
  avert implies no particular previously set course or pattern but usually indicates either a turning away of one's eyes, attention, or the like from the unpleasant or a turning of the course of exterior developments to avoid the dangerous or unpleasant
  < tried unsuccessfully to avert her horrified eyes from the sight >
  < Athenian statesmen averted a social revolution by successfully carrying through an economic and political revolution — A.J.Toynbee >
  sheer, orig. nautical, is likely to involve a sharp turning or veering, as of a ship, or, in more figurative use, a sharply sudden divergence from a path or course previously followed
  < a griffon, wheeling here and there about, kept reconnoitring us … till he sheered off — John Keats >

- turn a blind eye
- turn a cold shoulder to
- turn a deaf ear
- turn a flange
- turn a hair
- turn around one's finger
- turn color
- turn edge
- turn flukes
- turn loose
- turn one's back on
- turn one's coat
- turn one's hand
- turn one's stomach
- turn over a new leaf
- turn tail
- turn the other cheek
- turn the scale
- turn the tables
- turn the trick
- turn thumbs down
- turn to windward
- turn turtle
II. noun
Etymology: Middle English; partly from Old French tor, tour, torn, tourn lathe, circuit, turn (partly from Latin tornus lathe; partly from Old French torner, tourner to turn); partly from Middle English turnen, v.
 a. : the action or an act of turning or moving about or as if about a center or axis : revolution, rotation
  < turn is the motion employed to turn the hand either empty or loaded by movement that rotates the hand, wrist, and forearm about the long axis of the forearm — Methods-Time Measurement >
  < knowledge and entertainment are brought with the turn of a dial — Girl Scout Handbk. >
  < almost any turn of the kaleidoscope of nature may set up in the artist this … vision — Roger Fry >
 b. : a single revolution or turning motion
  < twists and turns of the head >
  < each turn of the wheels brought them nearer home >
  < only three turns of the moon — Virginia Woolf >
  < grand old leaps and turns of the imperial ballet discipline — Time >
  (1) : any of various rotating or pivoting movements in dancing whether executed singly or in couples — see circle turn, open turn, reverse turn, rock turn
  (2) : a revolution by a gymnast of less than a circle around a bar
 a. : the action or an act of giving or taking a direction or a different direction : change of course or posture
  < forgot to make the usual turn at the corner >
  < illegal left turn >
  < gentle turns may be performed by rudder alone — R.P.Holland >
  < controls had jammed in a turn — Phil Gustafson >
  (1) : a drill maneuver in which troops in mass formation change direction without preserving alignment and which is executed by the pivot file facing in the new direction and marching at the half step until the others move up and place themselves in succession on the new line — compare wheel
  (2) : a change of course by a ship in formation or a simultaneous change of course by the ships of a unit
  (3) : any of various shifts of direction in skiing — see christiania, jump turn, kick turn, snowplow turn, stem christiania, stem turn, step turn, telemark
  (4) : an interruption of a curve in figure skating
 b. : the action or an act of turning aside (as from a straight course, a normal development, or a manifest trend) : deflection, deviation
  < gave the story so many twists and turns the reader becomes lost >
  (1) : a sudden change of not less than a right angle in direction made by the quarry in coursing when hotly pursued
   < hound gave the hare a turn >
  (2) : break 4c(6)
  (3) : a forward stroke in cricket made with the face of the bat at an angle that sends the ball to the on side
   < would open his account with a turn to the one side, generally forward of square leg — Calling All Cricketers >
 c. : the action or an act of turning so as to face or move in the opposite direction : reversal of posture or course
  < an about turn >
  < wait for the turn of the tide >
  < sales have never been higher at this season — and there are few signs of a turnNation's Business >
  (1) : a complete reversal of direction in a swimming race
  (2) : a complete reversal of a skate in figure skating
 d. : a change effected by turning over to another side or face about
  < lost a fortune on one turn of the cards >
 e. : a place at which something turns, turns off, or turns back : point or part at or along which a change of course or direction takes place : angle, bend, curve
  < stopped at a turn in the road >
  < river has many turns >
  < couldn't get the piano around the turn in the hallway >
  < swept around a turn of the trees, down the nearest avenue toward us — B.T.Cleeve >
  (1) dialect England : a pit sunk in some part of a drift in lead mining
  (2) : a curved part of a running track or racetrack
   < took the lead on the run to the clubhouse turnNew York Times >
   < too big to move easily around the turns — Albion Hughes >
  (3) : the point on a golf course at which the return journey is begun : end of the first nine holes or start of the last nine holes
   < was three up at the turn >
   < made the turn in 35 — New York Times >
  (4) : a point of junction between two curves in figure skating
  (1) obsolete : journey, tour, trip
  (2) : tourn
  (1) : the action or an act of walking especially briefly around or out and back
   < usually took a turn around the block before going to bed >
   < going to have a turn under the stars before I follow you — Agnes S. Turnbull >
   < took a short turn through the garden — to the row of tamarisk trees and back — Willa Cather >
   < so incurably soft as not to be able to face a gentle turn round an ordinary suburban garden — Osbert Lancaster >
  (2) : a short trip (as a walk, ride, drive) out and back or round about
   < had enough gas for a half hour's turn in the park >
   < studied navigation — why, if I had taken one turn down the harbor I should have known more about it — H.D.Thoreau >
 c. chiefly dialect : a single trip and return (as by a team in hauling logs)
 a. : a movement by a wrestler intended to throw his opponent
 b. archaic : artifice, stratagem, trick, wile
  < beheld in either field a farmer at work and proposed to play the two a turn — Joseph Campbell >
 a. : an act or deed affecting another especially when performed out of the usual course : a usually incidental or unexpected act of service or disservice
  < one good turn deserves another >
  < when you turned me out you did me the best turn you ever did me — W.S.Maugham >
  < actually the worms do the cattle farmers a good turn — B.C.Cronwright >
  < you've had a rotten deal … The man … has done you a bad turn — Dorothy Sayers >
 b. chiefly Scotland : a stroke of work : piece of work : job, task — compare hand's turn
6. : something that comes in its own due order or at often regular intervals: as
 a. : a period of action or activity : go, spell
  < went on deck and took a turn at the wheel >
  < a turn at the lathe in his cellar workshop — Otis Fellows >
  < catch their breath between turns on the ice — H.W.Wind >
  < enjoys spectator sports, bridge, and a turn on the dance floor — Current Biography >
 specifically : a bout of wrestling
 b. : a place, time, or opportunity accorded an individual or unit of a series in simple succession or in or as if in a scheduled order
  < rooms were thoroughly cleaned each in its turn >
  < was waiting his turn in a doctor's office >
  < is pointed out to him that his turn will come — Richard Joseph >
  < took our turn and did our bit — G.B.Shaw >
  < class took turns expressing opinions — Eleanor S. Lowman >
  < turn of the surrealists for market appreciation is probably next — J.T.Soby >
 often : a recurring chance or opportunity coming to each in alternation or succession (as in a game)
 c. : a period during which one of a number of persons or groups successively employed is on duty : shift, tour
  < increases … to 6 cents from 4 cents on the afternoon turnWall Street Journal >
  < will add a second turn employing another 1000 — Wall Street Journal >
 d. : a short act or piece of any kind especially in or for a variety show
  < announced each act and said a few words between turns — Pete Martin >
  < can recall virtually every routine and turn he ever learned — R.B.Gehman >
  < a song-and-dance turn >
  < cabaret turns >
  < chief turn consisted of four performing elephants — Osbert Sitwell >
 also : the performer of such an act
  < commended only one of the turns, a young man … who sang Danny Boy — Patrick Campbell >
  (1) : an event in any gambling game after which bets are settled — called also coup
  (2) : the order of the last three cards in faro — used in the phrase call the turn
7. : something that revolves or that turns or moves around or as if around a center: as
  (1) : lathe; especially : a watchmaker's lathe
  (2) chiefly dialect : spinning wheel
  (3) : a catch or latch for a cupboard or cabinet door that is operated by turning a knob or handle
  (1) : a musical ornament consisting of a group of four or more notes that wind about the principal or written note by including the notes next above and next below beginning either on the upper note or (as often in 19th century music) on the principal note
   < executes the turns with beautiful ease — Irving Kolodin >
  (2) : a sign indicating this musical ornament
8. : a special purpose, need, or requirement : convenience, exigency — used chiefly in the phrase serve one's turn
 < the philosophy that serves one's turn best — J.C.Powys >
 < hoping … to exploit and then disown him after he had served their turnTimes Literary Supplement >
9. obsolete : an event or course or series of events
 a. : the action or an act of changing : alteration, modification
  < a nasty turn in the weather >
  < tea too weak and not hot enough, and the milk verging to the turn — E.O.Schlunke >
 b. : a change in tendency, trend, or drift or in conditions, circumstances, or affairs
  < hoped for a turn in his luck >
  < credit situation probably won't cause an adverse turn in the economy — M.S.Rukeyser >
  < turn of fortune which made him a prisoner of war — G.F.Hudson >
  < fairly sharp turns characterize British history — Current History >
  < a turn for the better in the bitter labor-management feud — Mary K. Hammond >
  < market for used cars took a definite turn for the worse — Leo Wolman >
  < laughing up their sleeves at the turn of affairs — Edward Bok >
 c. : the time when something changes its direction or its course (as of development) or when a change in trend or circumstances takes place
  < the turn of the seasons — the low point between the end of the winter season and the pickup of the spring-summer boom — New York Times >
  < decided to wait until the turn of the year >
  < our literary taste at the turn of the century — M.D.Geismar >
  < born just after the turn of the century >
  < years at the turn of the twentieth century were vintage years — W.A.White >
 d. Britain : the middle price between a stock jobber's buying and selling prices : change in price
 a. : distinctive quality or character
  < peculiar turn of the Greek genius — H.J.J.Winter >
  < the turn and genius of our language — Thomas Gray >
  (1) : a turning or fashioning of language especially skillfully or for a special effect : arrangement of words
   < saw in the turn of her phrase an opportunity to exhibit a small verbal neatness — Dorothy C. Fisher >
   < stylist … will appreciate the turn of the phrase — Gilbert Seldes >
   < never at a loss for a turn of a phrase to illustrate a point — Harvey Graham >
   < shocks us … by its Machiavellian turn of phrase — Béla Menczer >
  (2) : a particular form of expression or detail of style of discourse; especially : a peculiarity of phrasing
   < some of the most felicitous turns of thought and phrase in poetry — J.L.Lowes >
   < Scandinavian strain … is shown more clearly by turns of expression than by the forms of individual words — F.M.Steuton >
   < altered his dress, his mannerisms, and his turns of speech — Geoffrey Gorer >
   < studded with his special capering marks and turns of style — Richard Eberhart >
   < uses many dialect turns — H.H.Reichard >
   < even an advanced student misses idiomatic turns — Geoffrey Bullough >
 c. : the shape or mold in which something is fashioned
  < gown showed off the turn of her neck and shoulder >
  : cast
  < an unbelievably evil turn of countenance >
 a. : the state or manner of being coiled or twisted
  < spinning yarns … in various grades, sizes, and degrees of twist or turnWhitlock Cordage >
 specifically : the distance along the axis of a rope in which a strand makes one spiral
 b. : a single round (as of rope passed about an object or laid in a coil or of wire wound on the core of an induction coil), twist (as of the strands of a rope), or whorl (as of a convoluted form)
  < snail shell with seven turns >
  < stove was cracked and held together with many turns of heavy wire — Brian Harwin >
  < turns around the drum of the windlass began to slip — H.A.Chippendale >
  < one turn of wire when carrying one ampere of current is known as one ampere turn — Irving Frazee >
  < give a yarn ten turns of twist per inch of length — Werner Von Bergen & H.R.Mauersberger >
  < the axial length of one complete turn or helix of a wire in a cable — L.F.Hickernell & A.A.Jones >
 c. : a coiling, twisting, or winding of one thing (as a cord, rope, or wire) about another
  < a turn is taken round the most convenient article that will take the strain — Fire Service Drill Book >
13. : any of several measures of quantity (as for some commodities): as
 a. : a varying measure for selling fish
 b. : a load of wood; especially : a number of logs hauled on one trip
 c. : a bundle of 60 skins in the fur trade
 d. chiefly dialect : a quantity of corn (as a sackful) taken to a mill at one time for grinding
 a. : natural or special ability or aptitude : bent, inclination
  < renown … rests not on his geometry or his turn for affairs — Benjamin Farrington >
  < a fellow with a real practical turn — O.W.Holmes †1894 >
  < a turn for logical presentation — Jane Addams >
  < a pretty turn for anecdote — W.S.Gilbert >
  < must possess … artistic sensibility and a turn for clear thinking — Clive Bell >
  — used especially in the phrase turn of mind
  < am of an optimistic turn of mind — G.P.Brockway >
  < had a philosophic turn of mind — John Mason Brown >
  < help to stimulate an inquiring turn of mind — Warwick Braithwaite >
  < men of a speculative turn of mind — M.R.Cohen >
  (1) obsolete : a particular characteristic (as of a person) or a characteristic act
  (2) dialect : disposition, personality
 a. : direction of movement : drift, tendency, trend
  < the individuals who took a decisive part in them — who gave a turn to the events — Herbert Read >
  < the oriental turn of seeking nirvana — Warren Weaver >
  < provide a clue as to the turn of events a few seconds before they happen — Princess Indira >
 b. : a special twist, construction, or interpretation
  < gave the hoary old yarn a new turn >
  < gave a native turn to the designs which they imitated — O. Elfrida Saunders >
 a. : a disordering spell or attack (as of illness, faintness, dizziness)
  < some turn of disease had begun to parade erotic images before his eyes — W.B.Yeats >
  < a delicate man, who had survived, mother alone knows how many bad turns — Blanche E. Baughan >
  < isn't a real snake on the carpet, it is only one of my turns — Margaret Macdonald >
 b. : a nervous start or shock (as from alarm, fright, or surprise)
  < gives one quite a turn to discover that one's husband is a murderer — Denis Johnston >
  < had given me a turn … she was so close to the edge — Joseph Conrad >
  < gave him a nasty turn, but he put on a bold front — W.S.Maugham >
 c. turns plural : menses
 a. : a complete transaction involving a purchase and sale of securities or vice versa; also : a profit from such a transaction
 b. : turnover 8c
  < wash goods department may find that three turns a year are feasible — J.W.Wingate >
18. : something turned or to be turned: as
  (1) : a character or slug inverted in setting type
  (2) : a piece of type placed bottom up or a character temporarily keyed (as by a Monotype operator) in place of another of the same width to be inserted later by hand; also : the replacement of a turn by the proper character
   < turns have been made in most of the galleys >
 b. : turn shoe

- at every turn
- by turns
- in turn
- on the turn
- out of turn
- to a turn
III. \ˈtərn, ˈtu̇rn\ intransitive verb
Etymology: German turnen, from Old High German turnēn to turn (in general), from Medieval Latin tornare — more at turn I
: to practice or perform gymnastic exercises
V. transitive verb
1. : to engage in (an act of prostitution)
 < turn tricks >
2. : to carry to completion
 < turned a double play >
VI. noun
: performance 3a b




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