

单词 poke
释义 poke
I. \ˈpōk\ noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old North French poke, poque, of Germanic origin; akin to Old English pocca, pohha bag, pocket, Middle Dutch poke bag, Middle High German pfoch pouch, purse, Old Norse poki pouch, Old English pocc pock — more at pock
  (1) chiefly South & Midland : bag, sack
   < take the boys a poke of candy — H.D.Skidmore >
  (2) : a pouch or purse for carrying nuggets of gold or gold dust
   < threw their thick pokes of gold carelessly onto the counter — E.B.Lung >
  (3) slang : wallet
 b. chiefly dialect : pocket
2. slang : an accumulated sum of money : wad
 < spent his poke — Chesley Wilson >
 < struck it rich and kept his pokeTime >
  (1) : a swelling (as a goiter) on the neck
  (2) : a swelling appearing on sheep and associated with liver fluke infestation
 b. : a disease caused by liver fluke infestation
II. verb
Etymology: Middle English poken; akin to Middle Dutch poken to poke, stick, Middle Low German pōken to stick with a knife, and perhaps to Old Irish būalaim I strike
transitive verb
1. archaic : incite, rouse
  (1) : to prod or jab with or as if with the end of one's finger or the end of a stick or with the end of some similar object
   < poked him in the ribs and grinned broadly >
   < poked the burlap bag with a broom handle >
  (2) : to set into movement or push or urge along by means of prodding or jabbing
   < all he had ever done was poke a team or explore the trail or push cattle along — A.B.Guthrie >
  (3) : to stir up (as the coals of a fire) with or as if with a poker
   < staring into the fireplace and occasionally poking the glowing embers >
  (1) : pierce, stab
   < a straw man that had been poked through with a pitchfork >
  (2) : to produce by piercing, stabbing, or jabbing
   < poked a hole in the drum >
  (1) : to strike with the fist : hit, punch, sock
   < poked him in the nose >
  (2) : to deliver (a blow) with the fist
   < first poked a right to the chin and then a left to the body >
   < threatened to poke him one >
  (1) : to move, thrust, or shove especially with a quick action or with sudden force
   < poked his head round the corner — Dorothy Sayers >
  (2) : to cause to be directed in a particular direction or toward a particular thing by or as if by thrusting or shoving
   < had poked the head of a boat into the mud — Frederick Way >
   < poked his finger at his client — Willa Cather >
 b. : to cause to stick out : cause to project
  < kept poking her head in and out of the cab window — Louis Bromfield >
 c. : to thrust forward in such a way as to be intrusive : interpose or interject in a prying or otherwise meddlesome manner : push forward obtrusively
  < asked him not to poke his nose into other people's business >
  < poking their great stupid faces into everything — Times Literary Supplement >
4. : to confine in some stodgy poky place
 < didn't want to stay poked up in that town >
intransitive verb
 a. : to make a prodding, jabbing, or thrusting movement especially repeatedly
  < walked up and down and poked among the rocks — John Masefield >
 b. : to strike out at something with or as if with the fist
  < kept poking at him but never hit him >
  < cranks who poke at the schools — W.L.Miller >
 a. : to go investigating, looking about, or rummaging through something inquisitively without much order or system
  < went into the attic where they poked about among old boxes and trunks — Louis Bromfield >
  < they went everywhere, they poked into everything — G.W.Johnson >
  < if he cared to poke about in his unconscious — Clifton Fadiman >
 b. : to pry into something in an intrusive or otherwise meddlesome way
  < is notoriously hostile to people who go poking into his private affairs — Irving Howe >
 a. : to live in or stay about a stodgy place : live in or hang about a place pokily
  < doesn't want to poke around in that town any longer >
 b. : to move or act with marked slowness : move or act in a largely ineffective, desultory, or aimless way : putter, dawdle
  < watched the traffic poking along the road >
  < just poked around at home and didn't accomplish much >
  < talked for a while and then poked off >
  (1) : to become stuck out : undergo thrusting out : protrude
   < saw his head poking through the window >
  (2) : to become extended or thrust forward
   < saw to it that the railroad poked down closer to Texas — S.E.Fletcher >
   < into the jumbled wilderness … poke the beginnings of a fabulous highway — R.L.Neuberger >
 b. : to come into sight or notice especially with real or apparent suddenness : be visible or noticeable by being extended above, beyond, or out of something
  < bell towers poke above the trees — Yale Review >

- poke fun at
III. noun
 a. : a quick thrust : jab, dig
  < felt a poke in the ribs >
 b. : a blow with the fist : punch
  < gave him a poke on the nose >
  (1) : slowpoke
  (2) : an annoyingly stupid individual : dumbbell
 b. : cowboy 3a
3. : a poky place
 < wondered how people put up with living in a little poke like that — Mary Lavin >
4. : a device designed to keep an animal (as a cow, horse) from breaking through or jumping over fences and consisting typically of a collar from which a rod or pole hangs down at an angle so as to extend ahead of the animal
 a. : a projecting brim on the front of a woman's bonnet
 b. : poke bonnet
IV. noun
Etymology: modification of puccoon, pakon (in some Algonquian language of Virginia) any of various plants used for staining and dyeing, from pak blood
: pokeweed
V. noun
Etymology: by shortening
: shitepoke




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