单词 | maim |
释义 | maim I. 1. 2. < he was a puritan, maimed by the narrow orthodoxy of his childhood — Douglas Stewart > Synonyms: < an arm hanging useless, maimed in a car accident > cripple usually implies the loss of an arm or leg or the serious impairment of its use but can apply to any injury seriously impairing normal mobility or functioning < a boy crippled by the loss of a leg > < hands crippled by arthritis > < a battleship, crippled by cruisers the night before, lay smoking and floundering within sight — Ira Wolfert > mutilate implies the cutting, especially cutting off, or the removal of a part essential to completeness and lessening the perfection, beauty, or pleasing wholeness of the thing < looking exactly like a company of dolls a cruel child had mutilated, snapping a foot off here, tearing out a leg here, and battering the face of a third — Richard Jefferies > < never mutilate a book by tearing out pages or removing illustrations — L.R.McColvin > batter and mangle do not suggest loss, as of a limb, but rather an injuring which disfigures, usually excessively, batter implying a pounding or harsh beating, mangle implying a tearing, twisting, or hacking < a procession of battered automobiles — Oscar Handlin > < to bring up cannon and batter the forts into surrender — P.G.Mackesy > < people who have disregarded the warnings and been mangled by sharks — V.G.Heiser > < a smashed truck and mangled driver — G.R.Stewart > < his face and head were frightfully mangled with long cuts, evidently made by an axe — A.F.Harlow > II. 1. obsolete < the beggars … look upon their maims as … purses, which will always give them money — J.R.Lowell > 2. obsolete III. archaic |
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