释义 |
turn on I. transitive verb 1. : to cause to flow by or as if by opening a valve or tap < turn the water on full > < her charm could be turned on and off at will > 2. : to cause to operate < turn the radio on > II. transitive verb (-s) 1. : to cause to undergo an intense visionary experience especially by taking a drug ; broadly : to cause to get high 2. : to excite pleasurably : stimulate < the ballet … was turning the audience on like magic — Clive Barnes > also : to excite sexually 3. : to cause to gain knowledge or appreciation of something specified intransitive verb 1. : to undergo an intense visionary experience especially as a result of taking a drug ; broadly : to get high 2. : to become pleasurably excited < turns on instead with classical music or jazz — Julie M. Heldman > • turn-on \ˈ ̷ ̷ ˌ ̷ ̷ \ noun |