单词 | male |
释义 | male I. male 1. a. (1) < a male animal > < male sex organs > — symbol ♂ (2) < a male holly > < a male bittersweet > b. (1) < a deep male voice > : having a quality (as strength, vigor, courage) associated with one that is male < full of male energy > < spoke to her with male directness > (2) < a male choir > < the male population of the city > 2. of a gem < a male sapphire > 3. 4. < a male hose coupling > 5. < male language > 6. Synonyms: < a male collie > < a male willow > < a male child > < a male chorus > masculine, opposing feminine, is sometimes interchangeable with male < the masculine half of the audience > and is used to distinguish grammatical gender < a masculine noun > < a masculine inflection on an adjective > but most commonly applies to qualities that seem especially to distinguish the male from the female < a very masculine voice > < the masculine firmness, the quiet force of his style — Henry James > < his masculine longing to command — Edith Sitwell > < his wife was a great masculine virago — Tobias Smollett > manly, usually opposing boyish, childish, or effeminate, suggests the finer qualities of a man, especially courage, independence, and mature physical characteristics or mental firmness or forthrightness < a manly refusal to avoid difficulties > < a boy's love is likely to be divided between a gun and a watch; but the more active and manly choose the gun — H.D.Thoreau > < the country, with its rugged virtues and its manly independence — W.G.O'Donnell > < a sculptor had a model so perfect in manly symmetry and strength — G.G.Coulton > manlike is often close to human in a general sense < one of the more manlike apes > but is generally used to suggest characteristically masculine qualities or, sometimes, foibles < sturdy, sunburnt creatures, in petticoats, but otherwise manlike — Nathaniel Hawthorne > < a boy manlike in stature, strength, and a strong tendency to try to dominate > mannish applies chiefly to women, or things belonging to them, that have certain manlike qualities < a great many women, brave in mannish clothes — Louis Bromfield > < at one time bobbed her hair, which had made her head a little too mannish — Edmund Wilson > manful adds to manly a greater stress on sturdiness or resoluteness < we should be shabby fellows if we spent any serious proportion of our 13,000 days in shirking or whining or sponging on the more manful part of mankind — C.E.Montague > < worked like a manful soldier — Charles Dickens > < a manful handling of a trying situation > virile, stronger than masculine and opposing impotent, suggests qualities belonging to especially well-developed manhood, as marked aggressiveness, masterfulness, forcefulness, or, specifically, male sexuality or procreativeness < the religion is virile, aggressive, and growing — L.C.May > < the robust, virile Elizabethan era — Rosette Hargrove > < he would have preferred brutality, which was virile, … rather than this sad, sedulous defeat — Audrey Barker > < the virile story of a little man, his big wife, and his bigger bull — Atlantic > II. male III. ma·le |
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