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ba·sin I. \ˈbāsən\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English basin, from Old French bacin, from Late Latin bacchinon, from (assumed) Vulgar Latin bacca water vessel, perhaps of non-Indo-European origin; akin to the source of Latin baca berry — more at bay 1. a. : an open usually circular vessel or dish with sloping or curving sides and wider than its depth used typically for holding water for washing b. : a container of similar shape: as (1) : the scalepan of a balance (2) : a tank or reservoir used for the treatment of liquids c. : the quantity contained in a basin 2. a. (1) : a dock built in a tidal river or harbor and used especially for ships discharging or loading cargo, floodgates serving to keep the water level constant < constructing ships in basins resembling drydocks from which they float out on completion — Time > (2) : a part of a river or canal widened and provided with wharves b. (1) : a water area enclosed or partly enclosed by land and suitable for anchorage of ships : a landlocked harbor : a little bay < a basin … provides mooring space for eighty yachts — American Guide Series: Maryland > (2) : a water area artificially enclosed or partly enclosed (as by jetties) that is designed to shelter small craft < rates for mooring boats at boat basins — New York Herald Tribune > 3. a. (1) : a large or small depression in the surface of the land, the lowest part often being occupied by a lake or pond < the basin of Lake Michigan > (2) : a similar depression in the ocean floor < some 2000 fathoms down, but it still separates broad eastern and western basins — R.E.Coker > b. : an area that does not drain to the ocean c. : an area largely enclosed by higher lands but having an outlet and being drained < the Big Horn basin > d. : the entire tract of country drained by a river and its tributaries — called also river basin < appropriations for flood control in the Missouri basin — New Republic > e. : a great depression in the surface of the lithosphere occupied by an ocean < the basin now filled by the Pacific ocean — Waldemar Kaempffert > — called also ocean basin 4. a. : a broad area of the earth beneath which the strata dip usually from the sides toward the center < the Richmond coal basin > — called also structural basin, synclinal basin b. : a depression of the earth in which sedimentary materials accumulate or have accumulated usually characterized by continuous deposition over a long period of time < a salt basin > c. : rocks of such composition and having such structural and topographic relations as to facilitate the presence of artesian water < an artesian basin > 5. : the depression at the apex of an apple or similar fruit 6. a. : an area enclosed so as to be flooded for subsequent cultivation < a basin for irrigation > b. : a hollow or enclosure made about the base of a tree to receive water for moistening the roots c. : a small depression or pocket made (as with a basin lister) in a field to check water runoff II. verb (basined ; basined ; basining \-s(ə)niŋ\ ; basins) transitive verb : to bend down (a part of the earth's crust) in the form of a basin < the rocky surface of Greenland is actually basined as if by the weight of the existing icecap — R.A.Daly > intransitive verb : to form a basin by erosion |