释义 |
man·age·ment \ˈmanijmənt, -nēj-\ noun (-s) Etymology: manage (I) + -ment 1. : the act or art of managing: as a. : more or less skilled handling of something (as a weapon, a tool, a machine) b. : the whole system of care and treatment of a disease or a sick individual < the management of contagious diseases > c. : the conducting or supervising of something (as a business); especially : the executive function of planning, organizing, coordinating, directing, controlling, and supervising any industrial or business project or activity with responsibility for results 2. obsolete : an instance or act of management 3. : judicious use of means to accomplish an end : conduct directed by art or craft : skillful and often devious treatment : intrique 4. a. : the collective body of those who manage or direct any enterprise or interest : the board of managers b. : employer representation in an employer-employee relationship — opposed to labor 5. archaic : moderation (as in conduct) from respect for the feelings of another : consideration, indulgence |