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bat·tery \ˈbad.ərē, -atərē, -a.trē, -ri\ noun (-es) Etymology: Middle French & French batterie, from Old French, beating, from battre to beat — more at bat 1. : metal or metal articles especially of brass or copper wrought by hammering; specifically : metallic kitchen utensils 2. a. : the act of battering or beating b. : the unlawful beating of another including every willful, angry and violent, or negligent unlawful touching of another's person or clothes or anything attached to his person or held by him — compare assault 3a c. obsolete : bombardment < keep the bulwark fronts from battery — Christopher Marlowe > 3. a. : a temporary grouping (as of mortars or searchlights) for tactical purposes b. (1) : the entire armament of a warship (2) : a group of a warship's guns < the starboard battery > < the main battery > 4. a. : an emplacement where artillery is mounted < a fortress crowned with batteries — S.P.B.Mais > b. (1) : sinkbox (2) : a blind usually of turf used on English and Scottish moors especially by grouse shooters 5. : the basic tactical and administrative artillery unit usually consisting of from two to six pieces with the necessary personnel, transportation, communications, and equipment — compare company 6. a. : a combination of apparatus for producing a single electrical effect < a battery of dynamos > b. (1) : a group of two or more cells connected together to furnish electric current (2) : a single voltaic cell 7. a. : a number of similar articles, devices, or machines arranged, connected, or used together : set, series, group < a battery of files > < a battery of roman candles > < a battery of coke ovens > < a battery of exhausted brooms and mops leaned against the rail — Philip Wylie > as (1) : a group or series of tests especially of intelligence or personality given to a subject as an aid in psychological analysis (2) : a series of cages or compartments for raising or fattening poultry (3) : a closely packed group of nematocysts on the tentacle of a coelenterate b. : an imposing series or group of similar things : array < has equipped his book with … a formidable battery of prepublication comments — Robert Bierstedt > c. : an impressive group of persons having similar characteristics, occupations, or interests < a battery of specialists … all testified that the bill was too high — Milton Silverman > d. : a group of bulls kept for breeding 8. a. : the position of readiness (of a gun) for firing < the breechblock failed to close and the gun would not return to battery — Infantry Journal > < in battery > < out of battery > b. : the part of a flintlock the flint strikes against in firing 9. a. : a series of usually five stamps operated in one box or mortar for crushing ores b. : the box in which such stamps are operated 10. : a tank with its electrical and chemical accessories in which an electrotype shell is formed by electrodeposition 11. : the pitcher and catcher of a baseball team 12. : the percussion section of an orchestra |