释义 |
po·lit·i·cal I. \pəˈlid.]ə̇kəl, pōˈ-, -it], ]ēk-, in rapid speech ˈpli-\ adjective Etymology: Latin politicus political + English -al 1. a. : of or relating to government, a government, or the conduct of governmental affairs b. : of or relating to matters of government as distinguished from matters of law < political sovereignty > < political recognition of a new nation > — compare legal 3a c. : engaged in civil as distinguished from military functions < a political officer > — see political agent d. : of, relating to, or concerned with the making as distinguished from the administration of governmental policy 2. archaic : politic 2 < whether it would be political to interfere — James Mill > 3. a. : of, relating to, or concerned with politics b. : of, relating to, or involved in party politics < political activity > < political party > — compare administrative, nonpartisan 4. : organized in governmental terms — see political unit II. noun (-s) : one associated with politics; especially : political prisoner < hundreds of politicals … who had escaped from a concentration camp — Anthony West > |