

单词 mark
释义 mark
I. \ˈmärk, ˈmȧk\ noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English mearc; akin to Old High German marha boundary, boundary land, Old Norse mörk boundary land, forest, wilderness, Gothic marka boundary, boundary land, Latin margo edge, border, boundary, Old Irish mruig boundary land, district, Welsh bro region, Persian marz boundary land, district
  (1) : march II 1
  (2) [German, from Old High German marha boundary, boundary land] : a tract of land held in common by a Germanic village community in primitive or medieval times
   < a share in the common mark … made up of the uncultivated land — Alfons Dopsch >
  also : the community holding such a tract
 b. : something placed or set up to serve as a guide or to indicate position: as
  (1) : a conspicuous object of known position serving as a guide for travelers
   < a mark for pilots >
  (2) : something (as a line, notch, or fixed object) designed to record position
  (3) : one of the bits of leather or colored bunting placed on a sounding line at irregular but frequent intervals — compare deep
  (4) : plimsoll mark
  (1) : something toward which a missile is directed : a thing aimed at : target
   < hit the mark squarely in the center >
   < the officers, being on horseback, were … picked out as marks — Benjamin Franklin >
  (2) : the jack in the game of bowls; also : a proper bowling distance or position allowed for the jack
  (3) : the pit of the stomach in boxing
  (4) : a spot (as that marked by the heel of a player in making a fair catch) at which a free kick or a penalty kick is allowed in rugby football; also : a fair catch in rugby
  (5) : the starting line in a track event
   < got off the mark very quickly >
  (6) : a position on the starting line assigned to a contestant in a track event; also : the relaxed position taken by a runner or swimmer at or slightly behind the starting line immediately prior to the position or attitude of readiness which precedes the firing of the starting gun — usually used in plural
  (7) — used as a skeet shooter's command for the release of the low-house target
  (1) : an end in view : goal, object
   < 120 mph is not a hard mark to achieve — Ford Times >
   < developed enough musicianship to fix his own marks at which to aim — Marcia Davenport >
  (2) : an object of attack, ridicule, or abuse : butt
   < would have to explain and deny and make a general mark of himself — Theodore Dreiser >
   < would have to go about, a mark for the talkers — George Meredith >
  specifically : a prospective or actual victim of a confidence game or other swindle
   < lead the mark to her apartment — W.H.Murray >
   < the marks don't know no different — W.L.Gresham >
  (3) : the point desired to be made : the question under discussion — often used in the phrase beside the mark
   < both seem curiously beside the markTimes Literary Supplement >
   < it is beside the mark to argue that a culture consists of something more than plastic compounds — Waldemar Kaempffert >
  (4) : the actual facts or true state of affairs : condition of being correct or accurate
   < was perhaps near the markTimes Literary Supplement >
   < even the initial diagnosis was widely off the mark — Martin Gardner >
  (5) : a standard or acceptable level of performance, quality, or condition : norm — usually used in the phrase up to the mark
   < weren't feeling up to the mark lately — Michael McLaverty >
   < that's the great thing about persecution: it keeps you up to the mark — Bruce Marshall >
   < both of these performances were very far from being up to the mark — Claud Cockburn >
  also : the limit of what is reasonable or acceptable
   < wanted fifteen hundred pounds for it and I don't think that was beyond the mark — H.J.Laski >
  (1) : something that gives evidence of something else : sign, indication, token
   < as a mark of their change of sentiment — T.B.Costain >
   < his writings … bear marks of haste — Encyc. Americana >
   < a sure mark of the families' social position — Bernard Smith >
  (2) : a narrow deep hollow on the surface of the crown of a horse's incisor tooth that gradually becomes obliterated by the wearing away of the crown and therefore is indicative of the animal's age and usually disappears from the lower central incisors about the sixth year while traces may remain in the upper until the eleventh
  (3) : an impression or trace (as a scar or stain) made on something
  (4) : characteristic
   < the mark of every Christian — Commonweal >
  (5) : a distinguishing characteristic or essential attribute in logic : differentia
  (1) : a character usually in the form of a cross made as a substitute for a signature by a person who cannot or is unwilling to write and often witnessed by another; also : a personal cipher used in place of a signature
   < the symbols above the lion represent the mark of … the chief sachem — Allan Forbes & R.M.Eastman >
  (2) : a visible sign (as a badge or sign of honor, rank, office, or stigma) assumed by or put upon a person
   < the vermilion mark of marriage remained on her forehead — Nilima Devi >
   < other distinguishing marks may be worn by navy men … who have won certain distinctions — All Hands >
  specifically : a small plate of gold or silver worn by a mark master Mason
  (3) : a character, device, label, brand, seal, or other sign put on an article especially to show the maker or owner, to certify quality, or for identification : trademark
   < the owner of a mark can secure relief only where the infringer uses it on goods … closely resembling the owner's — Harvard Law Review >
  (4) : a small heraldic bearing used or added as a distinctive sign — compare cadency mark
  (5) : a written or printed symbol
   < punctuation marks >
  (6) : an identifying mark (as an ear notch) cut on livestock with a knife — distinguished from brand
   < every mountaineer knows his hogs by his markAmerican Guide Series: Tennessee >
  (7) : a brand on a log indicating ownership
  (8) : postmark
  (9) usually capitalized [German marke mark, label, brand, from Old High German marha boundary] — used with a numeral to designate a particular model of a weapon, machine, or article of equipment
   < this nuclear power plant, known as Mark I — Birmingham (Ala.) News >
   — abbr. Mk
 c. : a number or other character used in registering or evaluating: as
  (1) : a symbol used by a teacher to represent his estimate of a student's work or conduct
   < had several late marks against him >
  especially : grade
   < gets excellent marks at school >
   < the highest mark in the class >
  (2) : a figure registering a point or level reached or achieved
   < within six months the population … topped the 500 mark — J.D.Hillaby >
   < more than 125 have passed the half-century markAmerican Guide Series: Minnesota >
   < the 1954 figure is expected to be around that mark — Wayne Hughes >
  specifically : record
   < the mark, almost twenty miles faster than the previous record, wasn't allowed — Collier's Year Book >
 a. : attention, notice
  < nothing worthy of mark occurred in your absence >
 b. : importance, distinction
  < might easily become a figure of mark — H.J.Laski >
  < stands out as a man of mark — John Bright †1889 >
  — often used in the phrase make one's mark
  < has made his mark in many ways — Milton MacKaye >
 c. : a lasting or strong impression : an enduring effect — usually used in the phrase make one's mark
  < had made their mark in evolutionary history — W.E.Swinton >
  < made a mark in western history — R.W. Southern >
 especially : a strong favorable impression
  < anxious to make a mark with my first major book — Charles Breasted >
  < works that have made their mark with the general public — William Murray >
  < as office boy I made such a mark that they gave me the post of a junior clerk — W.S.Gilbert >
 d. : an assessment of merits : rating
  < would have their bad mark against him — F.M.Ford >
  < could get higher marks … for telling warmhearted, democratic lies about the people — New Republic >
Synonyms: see character, sign
II. verb
Etymology: Middle English marken, from Old English mearcian; akin to Old High German marcōn to determine the boundaries of, Old Saxon markon, Old Norse marka; denominative from the root of English mark (I)
transitive verb
  (1) : to fix or trace the bounds or limits of : locate the boundaries of — usually used with out
   < mark out a mining claim >
  (2) : to plot the course of : chart, delineate — usually used with out
   < some directions of social development have at least been marked out — John Dewey >
   < the course which Italy has marked out for herself — C.E.G.C.Emmott >
 b. : to set apart by or as if by a mark or boundary — usually used with off
  < marked off their claims with tomahawks — American Guide Series: Pennsylvania >
  < trying to mark off the legitimate province of an art — Edward Sapir >
  < a sign of heredity that marked them off as a race — Oscar Handlin >
  (1) : to designate as if by a mark : destine, assign
   < marked for death by his doctors — advt >
   < marked for greatness by his extraordinary talents and virtues >
   < marked out by destiny for his place in history — Preston Slosson >
  (2) : to make or leave a mark on
   < his hobnails marked the floor >
  specifically : to affix a significant identifying mark (as a trademark or hallmark) to
   < mark a bale of merchandise >
  (3) : to furnish with natural marks of a specified kind
   < wings marked with white lines >
  (4) : to label (an article) with a sign or symbol (as for indicating price or quality)
   < each garment is clearly marked for size and price >
   < all furs are plainly marked as to country of origin >
  (5) : to dock and castrate (a lamb); also : to enumerate (the lambs of a flock) especially by counting the tails removed during docking
  (6) : to enter or make notations or symbolic marks on or in (as for purposes of comment or emphasis) — usually used with up
   < mark up … a copy with his objections — J.G.Cozzens >
  (1) : to indicate or make note of in writing : jot
   < doesn't remember his exact words and nobody thought to mark them down — Ira Wolfert >
   < marked in his diary the date of his son's birth >
  (2) : to indicate, express, or show by a mark or symbol
   < mark an accent >
  also : register, record
   < the barometer marked a continuing fall in atmospheric pressure >
   < Paris clocks marked 4:15 in the morning — C.A.Lindbergh b. 1902 >
  (3) : to make evident : show, manifest
   < marked his displeasure by a frown >
  (4) : to indicate or fix (as a pivot point) in military drill or review
  (5) : to keep track of (the points) in a game; also : to keep score in (a game)
   < marked the match — New York Times >
  (6) : to determine the value or correctness of : score by means of marks or symbols : grade
   < have you marked my paper yet >
  (7) : to make notations on or attach symbolic marks to (as for purposes of comment or emphasis)
   < asked him to mark the offensive passages >
   < marking up only those features of special interest to me — Joanna Jonsson >
  (1) : to be a distinguishing mark on or upon : characterize, distinguish
   < high ideals mark the work — Encyc. Americana >
   < stunted trees mark the higher peaks >
  (2) : signalize
   < often mark the decisive turn in scientific thinking — J.B.Conant >
   < may mark a change of emphasis — New Statesman & Nation >
  (3) : to identify in a particular way : brand, stamp
   < mark him as an unscrupulous politician in many eyes — Carol L. Thompson >
 d. : to serve as an indication of the position or course of
  < a sign marking the city limits — American Guide Series: Michigan >
 a. : to give attention to : take notice of : observe, notice
  < mark the change that has taken place >
  < mark my words — Walter de la Mare >
  < but mark how certain matters are beyond us — Winston Churchill >
 b. : to observe and remember the spot of disappearance or taking to cover of (game)
 c. Britain : to keep a close watch on (a member of an opposing team) so as to hamper
intransitive verb
1. : to notice or observe critically : note, look
2. : to observe and remember the spot where game disappeared or took cover
3. Britain : to play close to one's opponent and in such a position as to hamper him, prevent him from receiving the ball, or tackle him if he receives it
4. : to keep score in a game

- mark time
- mark to the market
III. noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English marc, probably of Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Norse mark-, mörk mark (weight); akin to Old English mearc mark, sign; probably from the marks on the bars — more at mark I
1. : any of various old European units of weight used especially for gold and silver; especially : a unit equal to about 8 ounces
2. : a unit of value or a coin:
 a. : an old English unit equal to 13s 4d
 b. : an old Scottish unit of value equal to 13s 4d Scottish; also : a coin representing this unit issued by James VI and Charles II
 c. : any of various old Scandinavian or German units of value; specifically : a unit and corresponding silver coin of the 16th century worth 1/2 taler
 d. [German, from Old High German marha boundary — more at mark I] : the basic monetary unit of Germany from 1871; also : a coin representing this unit — see reichsmark
  (1) : deutsche mark
  (2) : the basic monetary unit of East Germany — see money table
 f. [Estonian, from German] : a unit of value used for a time in Estonia after World War I; also : a coin representing this unit issued 1922-26
 g. [Finnish markka] : markka
3. : a division of land in Scotland originally of the annual value of a mark




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