单词 | beg |
释义 | beg I. transitive verb 1. < beg his bread from door to door > 2. < beg forgiveness > — often used in expressions of polite deference < I beg your pardon > < I beg leave to disagree > 3. a. < Maynard begs the difficulties set … by designating its princiiples as “simply Christian” — C.T.Harrison > b. < grave danger that these questions may be begged — Walter Moberly > — compare petitio principii 4. < beg a person off from a duty > intransitive verb 1. < begging from door to door > : live by asking for charity < a license to beg > 2. < beg for mercy > — often used as a term of polite deference < I beg to state > 3. of a dog or other pet animal 4. < men of stern morality beg off from all discussions of … morality — R.H.Rovere > 5. Synonyms: < I beg leave to return tomorrow > Otherwise it suggests strongly the personal urgency of the appeal, often to the point of a certain self-abasement of the doer < now that you're through, you come begging me to marry you — Barnaby Conrad > < turning to Foley he begged silently for some help — Morely Callaghan > < we watched the fat, lazy squirrels lollop inquisitively round us begging the crumbs — Wilfred Fienburgh > < he, casting himself prostrate on the ground, implored her forgiveness and begged to know her will — W.H.Hudson > implore usually emphasizes even more strongly than beg personal urgency and earnestness although usually implying more dignity in the doer < how she pleaded, and implored me to wait — George Meredith > < the last look of my dear mother's eyes, which implored me to have mercy — Charles Dickens > < the one thing the doctor implored him to avoid was that kind of exertion — J.C.Powys > entreat suggests the earnestness of a persuasive petition, implying generally less personal, emotional involvement than do beg or implore < smooth-tongued barkers entreat passerby to stop and inspect bargains — American Guide Series: Tennessee > < he did not entreat or plead; he announced — Margaret Deland > < he earnestly entreated her to name the day that was to make him the happiest of men — Jane Austen > beseech not as strong as entreat in the suggestion of personal urgency, sometimes stresses an earnestness arising from anxiety or solicitude < a Cape captain, whose bride beseeched him to write while he was away — R.W.Hatch > < the girl besought her so earnestly that Lady Drum was driven into warm language to defend herself — William Black > < a beggar beseeches him in the name of Allah — Jean & Franc Shor > supplicate emphasizes the humbleness of the doer, suggesting strongly a respectful or prayerful attitude < invite, entreat, supplicate them to accompany you — Earl of Chesterfield > < to visit the governor and supplicate for more welfare aid > adjure usually suggests a certain seriousness or solemnity of request, an invocation of duty or responsiblity or of something bindingly sacred < the wives and daughters … rushed about the camp … adjuring their countrymen to save them from slavery — J.A.Froude > < the student who seeks a closer acquaintance with the playwrights mentioned … is adjured to make any contact he can achieve with the living theater — W.Bridges-Adams > < “You must give the people an example of poverty, misery and denial,” he sometimes adjures his disciples — Time > importune implies an insistence, especially in repetition, or appeal or request, usually to the point of annoyance or irritation < they are importuned to spread the official gospel throughout the community via their patients to the utmost of their ability — J.H.Means > < she knew how to look after him without ever imposing herself on him or importuning him — Edmund Wilson > II. III. |
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