

单词 behind
释义 be·hind
I. \bə̇ˈhīnd, bē-\ adverb (or adjective)
Etymology: Middle English behinde, behinden, from Old English behindan, from be- + hindan from behind, behind — more at hind
1. : in the place or situation left (as by someone or some thing gone or departed)
 < leaving much unfinished work behind >
 < only a small group stayed behind >
 < little residue remained behind after evaporation >
2. archaic : to come : unrealized
 < his heritage that is yet behind >
 a. : in arrears
  < behind with the rent >
  < behind in his dues >
 b. : in a secondary or inferior position
  < lag behind in competition >
  : remiss
  < behind in his work >
  — often used with a negative
  < the oppostition was not behind in the use of bitter words >
 c. : slow
  < the clock was behind >
  < the train was an hour behind >
 a. : in back
  < the car behind >
  : to the rear
  < the men in poor condition fell behind early in the march >
 b. : toward the back : backward
  < to look behind >
5. : in the past : gone by
 < the drab days in a furnished room in Rome seem well behindTime >
6. : beyond : on the other or far side of
 < the stream, slowing through broad meadows, has the Green mountains behind — H.E.McDaniel >
II. preposition
Etymology: Middle English behinde, behinden, from behinde, behinden, adverb
 a. of something having a front and back : at the back of
  < a garden behind a house >
  < taking cover behind barricades >
  — sometimes used with a reflexive object
  < he looked behind him >
 b. — used as a function word to indicate anything that lies or intervenes between or as if between one thing (as an observer) and another
  < hills hidden behind clouds >
  < behind his friendly manners was maliciousness >
  < drop behind the horizon >
 a. — used as a function word to indicate someone who has departed or is at a distance
  < the staff remained behind the troops >
  — often used with a reflexive object
  < they left wives and children behind them >
  < left behind him a great reputation >
 b. : as past experience for
  < believe that … we have behind us, at least in most parts of the country, the crudest of the pioneering period — M.Eucharista >
  < with several generations of devoted service to the church behind him — M.H.Thomas >
 c. : not in prospect for : gone by for
  < his best jobs are all behind him >
  (1) : following
   < there was rain behind the wind — H.D.Skidmore >
   < behind the band marched the infantry >
  (2) : in pursuit of
   < a fox with a pack of hounds behind him >
  (1) : below
   < way behind his last year's average >
   : inferior to
   < sales were only a few percentage points behind those for the previous year >
   : retarded in relation to
   < behind the times >
   < with theory running behind practice, we will not be surprised to meet some inconsistencies — Hunter Mead >
  (2) : not up to but competing with
   < the firm was close behind the leader in the field >
  (3) of a pitcher in baseball : in the situation of having thrown more balls than strikes to
   < the pitcher was behind the batter >
  (4) of a batter in baseball : in the situation of having a count of more strikes than balls
 a. : later than understood or stipulated
  < a train behind schedule >
  < behind time in his appointments >
 b. — used as a function word to indicate anything that belongs in a period later than or subsequent to another
  < looking back behind the vast technological superstructure of western civilization to a quieter day — H.J.J.Winter >
 a. : in the background of : as an ever-present quality or feature of
  < behind United States-Mexican relations lies the constant question of unsettled damage claims — H.E.Davis >
 b. : out of the mind or consideration of
  < he put unpleasant memories behind him >
 c. : beyond
  < an analysis of the story behind the news >
  : past
  < whenever possible he has gone behind the printed book to the manucript — Times Literary Supplement >
 a. : on the side of : supporting
  < in a crisis Latin America would probably be behind the U.S. >
 b. : serving as a foundation for or basis of : upholding, backing
  < behind his arguments are years of experience >
  < a good picture … must have intelligent thinking behind it — F.L.Mott >
 a. : serving as motivation for : prompting, provoking
  < economic pressure was behind the thievery >
  < the real reasons behind his actions >
 b. : in control of : guiding, regulating
  < the person behind the wheel of a car >
  < behind the throttle of a locomotive >
III. noun
Etymology: behind (I)
1. : the back side (as of a garment)
2. : buttocks — sometimes considered vulgar




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