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bell I. \ˈbel\ noun (-s) Usage: often attributive Etymology: Middle English belle, from Old English;akin to Middle Low German belle bell, Old Norse bjalla bell, Old English bellan to roar — more at bellow 1. a. : a cup-shaped, saucer-shaped, or hollow spherical metallic device that vibrates and gives forth a ringing sound when struck by a clapper or hammer or by a loose ball inside — see chime, gong, sleigh bell b. : doorbell < the bell began to chime more frequently — A.R.Foff > 2. : the ringing or sound of a bell as a signal < school bell > or summons < dinner bell > or warning < fire bell > 3. a. : a bell (as of a clock) rung to tell the hour b. : the stroke of such a bell especially on shipboard — often used in plural c. : the time so indicated d. nautical : a half hour — compare watch (see column 3) e. : a signal to a ship's engine room given originally by striking a bell f. : the gong sounded at the beginning and end of a round in boxing 4. : a mark of superiority or merit : award, prize — used in such phrases as to bear the bell, to carry away the bell 5. : something having the form of a bell: as a. : the cup or corolla of a flower < in a cowslip's bell I lie — Shakespeare > b. : a hollow inverted vessel (as a diving bell or bell jar) c. : a bell-shaped organ or part (as the umbrella of a jellyfish or the nectocalyx of a siphonophore) d. : a small pouch of hairy skin that hangs from the neck of a deer e. : the part of the capital of a column between the abacus and neck molding; especially : the nearly bell-shaped naked core assumed to exist within the leafage of a Corinthian capital f. : a flaring mouth (as of a trumpet or other musical wind instrument or of an old firearm) g. : a bell-shaped cover of metal or glass placed over food in cooking or serving — called also cloche h. : the cone-shaped part in a bell and hopper i. : the enlarged end of a section of pipe that receives the spigot end of the adjoining section j. : the cup-shaped endpiece of a stethoscope that is placed against a body area (as the chest) 6. a. : a musical percussion instrument consisting of a number of metal bars or tubes of various graded lengths that when struck with a hammer give out tones resembling those of different-sized bells — usually used in plural; called also chimes b. : glockenspiel 7. bells plural : heel clicks performed in the air in tap dancing • - with bells on
 II. verb (-ed/-ing/-s) transitive verb 1. : to put a bell upon : provide with a bell < camels had got away from them in the dark and … were not belled — Myrtle R. White > 2. a. : to ring a bell for < bell the man to come up > b. : to cause to ring < the ground, so hard it hurt our brittle feet, belled the iron rakes — Whitney Balliett > 3. : to make bell-mouthed < bell out the end of a tube > 4. : to cover by a bell or bell jar < artificial fruit … the stuff your grandmother belled under glass — Walter de la Mare > intransitive verb 1. : to ring a bell or bells < trams bell against motors and drays — William Sansom > 2. : to make a sound suggestive of a bell < a great belling chorus of thrushes — H.E.Bates > : ring < his head belling with interrupted sleep — D.C.Peattie > 3. a. : to take the form of a bell : swell up or puff out into the shape of a bell < belling sleeves > < belled flowers > < skirts inclined to bell at the hemline — Women's Wear Daily > b. : to develop bells or corollas : blossom < hops belling at the end of August > • - bell the cat III. intransitive verb (-ed/-ing/-s) Etymology: Middle English bellen, from Old English bellan — more at bellow : to make a resonant bellowing or baying sound < the bobcat … was ahead of the belling hounds — William Faulkner > : bellow, roar < the distant belling of the herds of deer — Sacheverell Sitwell > IV. noun (-s) : the noise of one that bells : bellow, roar < the bell of a stag > |