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belt I. \ˈbelt\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English, from Old English; akin to Old High German balz belt, Old Norse belti; all from a prehistoric Germanic word borrowed from Latin balteus girdle, belt 1. a. : a strip of flexible material (as leather, plastic, cloth) used in a circular form with or without a buckle or other closing and for wear generally around the waist (as a support for trousers, a decoration for dresses, or a means of carrying weapons, tools, or ornaments) < sword belt > b. : a similar article worn as a corset or as a protection for the body (as a medical bandage or support) or for safety (as by airplane passengers or telephone linemen) c. : a mark or symbol of distinction in the form of a belt < the championship belt of heavyweight boxing > 2. : a continuous band of tough flexible material (as leather, rubber, fabric, wire) for transmitting motion and power from one pulley to another or for conveying materials — see chain belt illustration 3. a. : an area distinctively characterized by its species or forms of life < a pine belt > < a forest belt > b. : an elongated area characterized by some particular geologic feature or ocurrence and generally not so extensive as a zone < mountain belt > < belt of volcanoes > < coal belt > < oil belt > c. : a region marked by the prevalence of some type of inhabitant or noteworthy condition < the goiter belt > < the vacationland belt > 4. : a horizontal band of brick or stone running across a face of a masonry wall or pier 5. [Danish bælt: akin to Middle High German Beltemeer Baltic sea] : a strait leading to the Baltic sea 6. : one of several roads or routes arranged concentrically : belt highway • - below the belt - under one's belt II. verb (-ed/-ing/-s) Etymology: Middle English belten, from belt, n. transitive verb 1. a. : to encircle, girdle, or fasten with a belt < a cord belting a gown > < paraphernalia belted together > b. : to gird on < belt on a gun and ammunition > c. : to invest (a person) with a distinction or title < belt a squire with the rank of knight > 2. a. : to beat with or as if with a belt : thrash b. : to strike vigorously : hit < belt a person in the jaw > — often used with out < belting out a triple > 3. : to mark with or as if with a band < all equipment to be sold was belted in green > < belted with a shining porch of enormous pillars — Robinson Jeffers > specifically : girdle 3a < belt a tree > 4. : to sing in a very loud forceful manner or style < the hoydenish numbers are belted across effectively — Bill Simon > — usually used with out < belt out a high note > intransitive verb : to move, act, or perform in a vigorous or violent manner < belt along in a car > < waves belting over a ship > III. noun (-s) 1. : a jarring blow : jolt, whack < gave the ball a terrific belt > < a belt of lightning > 2. slang : a strong emotional reaction < get a terrific belt out of this tale — New Republic > IV. intransitive verb (-s) : to sing loudly • bel·ter noun |