释义 |
pol·lic·i·ta·tion \pəˌlisəˈtāshən\ noun (-s) Etymology: Latin pollicitation-, pollicitatio, from pollicitatus (past participle of pollicitari to promise, from pollicitus, past participle of pollicēri to bid, offer, promise, from pol-, por- — akin to Latin per through — + licēri to bid) + -ion-, -io -ion; akin to Latin licēre to be permitted, be for sale — more at fare, license 1. archaic : the action or result of promising : promise 2. a. Roman law : an offer unaccepted or informal promise not accepted by the promisee but made enforceable as to promise of dos by late legislation b. civil law : a promise or proposal not accepted : an unaccepted offer |