释义 |
pol·lu·tion \-üshən\ noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English pollucioun emission of semen at other times than in coition, defilement, uncleanness, from Middle French & Late Latin; Middle French pollution, from Late Latin pollution-, pollutio defilement, uncleanness, from Latin pollutus (past participle of polluere to pollute) + -ion-, -io -ion 1. : emission of semen at other times than in coition 2. : the action of polluting or the state of being polluted : defilement, desecration, impurity, uncleanness < streams subject to pollution by … mill wastes — C.R.Cox > < the dilution of atmospheric pollution — K.H.Jehm > < cleanse the king and the people from the pollution of any offenses — J.G.Frazer > 3. : crossbreeding when regarded as the source of degeneration of a stock |