

单词 master
释义 mas·ter
I. \ˈmastə(r), -aas-, -ais-, -ȧs-\ noun
Etymology: Middle English maister master, teacher, ruler, from Old English mægester, magister & Old French maistre, both from Latin magister; akin to Latin magnus great, large — more at much
  (1) : a male teacher : tutor; especially : schoolmaster
   < watched my master's face pass from amiability to sternness — James Joyce >
  (2) : a person qualified to teach at a medieval university
  (3) : a person who has received an academic degree higher than a bachelor's but lower than a doctor's
   < a reception was held for the newly made masters and doctors >
  (1) often capitalized : a religious leader whose doctrines one accepts : one who inspires devotion or reverence on the part of his disciples
   < eighty disciples drawn from diverse faiths sat with their Master — M.L.Bach >
  (2) : a great figure of the past (as in science, literature, or art) whose work serves as a model, ideal, or landmark for later generations : a figure of immense authority or generally recognized greatness
   < one of the few valid studies of our literature on the scale of the masters — M.D.Geismar >
   < thoughts which had already occurred to the great masters of the past — Arturo Castiglioni >
   < music of the masters >
 c. : a workman so proficient in his handicraft or trade as to be able to follow it independently and employ or supervise journeymen or apprentices; sometimes : one who has passed a licensing examination and consequently is permitted to contract for services
  (1) : a person who possesses mastery (as of an art or technique) : an artist or performer of consummate skill
   < one of the masters of the new poetic idiom — R.W.Southern >
   < beautiful playing by a throng of masters — Wilder Hobson >
   < a follower of the school of English mastersCurrent Biography >
  (2) archaic : a painting or statue by a master — see old master
  (3) : an anonymous artist of distinction whose work is distinguishable from other work of his time and place by its characteristic style or quality
   < the master of the St. Cecilia altarpiece >
 e. : a person who is highly skilled, ingenious, or dexterous in some area of activity
  < a master at laying out and illustrating advertisements — W.J.Reilly >
  < a master at dissembling >
  < a master of paradox >
  < a master of historical technique >
 f. : a bridge player (as in United States contract bridge tournaments) eligible to play in restricted contests
2. : an individual having control, authority, or predominance over another: as
  (1) : a man having control over the actions of others : ruler, governor
   < this decisive battle left him master of Europe >
   < the masters of the little state met and drafted a defiant reply >
  (2) : a sovereign ruler in relation to his ministers or diplomatic agents
   < bear this message to the king your master >
 b. : one that conquers or masters or is capable of conquering or mastering another : victor, superior
  < in this young, obscure challenger the champion found his master >
  (1) : a person who is licensed to take complete charge of a merchant ship : captain, master mariner
  (2) : a former commissioned officer (as in the United States and British navies) ranking next below a lieutenant and performing the duties of the present navigating officer
  (1) : a person having mastery of or control over something abstract or immaterial
   < proved himself master of the situation >
   < master of his own time >
  (2) : something abstract or immaterial that exercises control or mastery
   < the doctrine that fate is the master of our destinies >
  (3) : a possessor or owner of something inanimate
   < master of a stately house and broad acres >
  (4) : the owner of a slave
   < his slaves found him a kind master >
   or of an animal
   < these tribesmen are masters of vast herds of sheep >
  also : the male person whom an animal has been trained to obey
   < pulling his two-year-old master from a rain-swollen river — Springfield (Massachusetts) Union >
  (1) : employer
   < the master eats his meal in a separate room from the laborer — J.M.Mogey >
  especially : the employer of a domestic or personal servant
   < informed the caller his master was not at home >
  (2) : the person to whom an apprentice is articled
 f. : a leader (as a bellwether) of a herd of animals
  (1) dialect : husband
   < my master isn't home >
  (2) : the male head of a household
   < the master of the house >
  (3) : a woman's lover or paramour
   < the mistress produces to the court letters from her late masterTime >
 h. : a man who owns or controls a pack of hounds; especially : one who leads, commands, and disciplines the field in a hunt when hounds are in full cry
  < always refer to all persons on the hunt, other than masters and whips, as the field — Coles Phinizy >
  — often used in the phrase master of hounds or in a phrase designating a pack of hounds of a specified kind (as master of foxhounds, master of beagles)
 i. : a supernatural being in the mythology of a primitive people, regarded as the intermediary between men and a particular species of animals, replenishing the species, and responsible for sending animals to be killed by deserving hunters
  < success depended … upon a man's satisfactory relations with the superhuman mastersAmerican Anthropologist >
  (1) archaic : mr. 1a
  (2) now chiefly dialect : mister II 2, 4
  (3) : youth, boy — now used chiefly as a conventional title of courtesy before the name of a boy
 b. : any of various members of the Scottish peerage: as
  (1) : the eldest son of a peer (as a viscount or baron)
   < The Master of Ballantrae >
  (2) : the heir presumptive to a peerage; specifically : the eldest son of an heir apparent to an earldom
  (1) : a presiding or administrative officer; especially : the head in an institution or society (as a college, guild, or corporation)
  (2) : an official who has custody or superintendence of a specified thing
   < the Master of the Robes >
  (1) : any of several officers of court appointed to assist a judge (as by hearing and reporting upon matters referred to him or by recording proceedings)
  (2) : any of several clerks or recording officers of the supreme courts of England
 c. : a person holding an office of authority among the Freemasons; especially : the presiding officer — called also worshipful master
 a. : master matrix
 b. or master copy : a surface (as a stencil or a gelatin matrix) from which copies are printed by direct contact on a duplicating machine
 c. : a master mechanism or device; specifically : caster 1b
II. transitive verb
(mastered ; mastered ; mastering \-t(ə)riŋ\ ; masters)
Etymology: Middle English maistren, from maister, n. — more at master I
 a. : to become master of : bring under control : conquer, overcome
  < tried to master his stammer — Osbert Sitwell >
  < mastered his love for the wife of a neighbor — Stringfellow Barr >
 b. : to cause to obey : bend to one's will : subdue, tame
  < masters his gal by knocking her down and dragging her away — M.W.Fishwick >
  < a farmer must master every beast on his farm — F.D.Smith & Barbara Wilcox >
  < man has mastered nature — P.L.Ralph >
 c. obsolete : to have or get possession of : own, possess
 d. : to act as master over : rule, regulate, direct
 a. : to become skilled or proficient in the use of : achieve mastery or command of
  < the telephone was an instrument he could not master — Osbert Sitwell >
  < master a foreign language >
  < could not master the technique necessary for a concert pianist — Current Biography >
 b. : to gain a thorough or perfect understanding, grasp, or knowledge of
  < failed to master the windings of that river — Thomas Wood †1950 >
  < could master any intricate detail of pertinent information — Robert White >
 c. : to work out : solve
  < master a knotty problem >
III. adjective
Etymology: Middle English maister, from maister, n. — more at master I
1. : being or relating to a master: as
 a. : having chief authority or power : ruling over others : dominant
  < the theory of a master race >
 b. : being a master as distinguished from a journeyman or apprentice
  < a master electrician >
  < a master plumber >
 c. : being a person notably or supremely proficient in something : consummately accomplished or skilled
  < flute music played by a master minstrel — Lavinia R. Davis >
  < a master mathematician and craftsman — Eric Hoffer >
 d. : being the chief, guiding, or principal one : having all others subordinate to oneself : principal, controlling, ruling
  < the fear of communism is the master fear — W.M.Ball >
  < anatomy and perspective are almost the master subjects — Reyner Banham >
  < it was the master design and … thousands of westerns would be modeled on it — Fanny K. Wister >
 e. : being something in a superlative degree — often used in combination
  < a saturnine master-bore — D.B.W.Lewis >
  < a master-liar >
 f. : being a device or mechanism that controls the operation of another mechanism
  < the pressure exerted by the brake fluid from the master cylinder acting on the rear face of the slave cylinder piston — Irving Frazee >
 g. : being a mechanical part or a device that establishes a dimension, weight, or other standard
  < the use of suitable master gears or sample gears is necessary for reference purposes — G.F.Hessler >
  — compare master gage
 h. : being or relating to a record (as on magnetic tape) from which duplicates or prints are intended to be made
2. dialect : remarkable, great, notable, outstanding
 < I've seen some master crops there — Adrian Bell >
IV. adverb
chiefly dialect : exceedingly, very
 < a master long, rough road — Sarah O. Jewett >
V. noun
Etymology: mast (I) + -er
: a ship having a specified number of masts — usually used in combination
 < a two-master >
VI. noun
: a record (as a film, sound recording, or videotape) from which copies can be produced
VII. transitive verb
: to produce a master of (as a sound recording)




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