

单词 undercurrent
释义 undercurrent
I. \ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷\ noun
Etymology: under (III) + current
1. : a current below the upper currents or surface of a fluid body (as water or air)
2. : a tendency of opinion or feeling not openly displayed and often contrary to the one publicly shown
 < an undercurrent in favor of the accused had set in >
3. undercurrents plural : broad branch sluices in placer mining set at small inclination into which water carrying fine gold is diverted from the main sluice to lessen the velocity of flow in order to promote the settling
4. : an electric current whose intensity is lower than a specified amount
II. adjective
: running under the surface : passing in secret : hidden
 < undercurrent protest >




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