释义 |
pol·o·naise I. \ˌpäləˈnāz, ˌpōl-\ noun (-s) Etymology: French, from feminine of polonais Polish, from Pologne Poland, country in central Europe, from Medieval Latin Polonia 1. a. : an elaborate overdress that consists of a short-sleeved fitted waist and a draped cutaway overskirt b. Scotland : a tight-fitting jacket for boys 2. a. : a stately Polish processional dance fashionable in 19th century Europe b. : the music for or suited to this dance in moderate 3/4 time characterized typically by the rhythms of an eighth note and two sixteenths followed by either four eighths or a repetition of the rhythm of the first beat
[polonaise 1] II. intransitive verb (-ed/-ing/-s) : to dance a polonaise III. \| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷\ adjective Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: French, feminine of polonais Polish : made of or dressed with browned butter and bread crumbs < sauce Polonaise > < cauliflower Polonaise > |