释义 |
underpinning \ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷\ noun Etymology: under (III) + pinning 1. a. : the material and construction used for support and introduced beneath a wall already constructed b. : the foundation of a frame house 2. : a method of lining a mine shaft by supporting the upper section of brickwork on a curb by shores or props, excavating below, and building up to this curb from another curb inserted lower down 3. : support, prop < military security depends on a strong economic underpinning — H.S.Truman > 4. : underwear — used usually in plural 5. : a person's legs — used usually in plural < still unsteady on his underpinnings when he came out for the seventh — Ring > |