单词 | understand |
释义 | un·der·stand transitive verb 1. a. < understand Russian > < understand a message in code > < understand a wink > < a tongue not understanded of the people — Book of Com. Prayer > b. < I can understand why he was disappointed > < his behavior is hard to understand > < must be made to understand the importance of this step > c. < spoke in such a thick accent no one could understand him > d. < being well infomed about science is not the same thing as understanding science — J.B.Conant > < understand finance > < master builders had to understand both carpentry and stonework — G.B.Saul > e. < need someone who understands children > < liked him better when he came to understand him better > 2. a. < understood that customary procedures obtained > b. < we understand that he is returning from abroad next week > < was understood to be in favor of the plan > c. < am I to understand that your refusal is final > 3. < by the money price of goods … I understand always the quantity of pure gold or silver for which they are sold — Adam Smith > < by poetical colors the neoclassicist understands words, elegant phrases, figures of speech — Irving Babbitt > 4. < the phrase “to be married” is commonly understood after the word engaged > < understand the subject of an imperative > 5. archaic < abundance of kinds of creatures that we did not understand — Daniel Defoe > 6. obsolete 7. obsolete intransitive verb 1. 2. < the more he was educated, the less he understood — Henry Adams > < doubt if they really can understand about politics — Christopher Hollis > 3. < she relied on him to understand and sympathize — John Galsworthy > Synonyms: < understand Shakespeare's preeminence > < comprehend the dramatic action of Macbeth > < to understand the present institutions, we must therefore comprehend something of their history — J.B.Conant > understand is wider in its use, ranging from the mere physical act of sensory perception or very casual consideration to a full and profound realization of inner nature, rationale, or significance < the racket prevented my understanding the telephone operator > < when you throw an apple upward and let it fall … the mechanics of the thing … seem natural; you understand them without even using your intellect — Wolfgang Langewiesche > < those enlightened ones who in the clear beam of their purified vision beheld and understood the sorrows, the struggles, the vain angers and hatreds of imperfect mortality — Laurence Binyon > comprehend may focus attention on thought processes rather than their conclusions < with that terrible earnestness Woodrow Wilson was trying to comprehend the problem — W.A.White > comprehend may stand between sense or feel and understand in suggesting less reflection and analysis than the latter < dissimilar as her parents had appeared to be, there was a bond between them which Dorinda felt without comprehending — Ellen Glasgow > appreciate stresses full and just perception, especially of value, arrived at with insight and discrimination < I could not appreciate its excellence, having no background of previous displays to use for purposes of comparison — Robert Graves > < fully to appreciate the American experience … would require a rehearsal of the whole of American history — H.S.Commager > • - give one to understand - understand each other |
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