释义 |
be·ta·ine \ˈbēd.əˌēn\ noun (-s) Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary beta- (from New Latin Beta) + -ine; probably orig formed as German betain 1. a. : a crystalline sweet-tasting quaternary ammonium salt that occurs in beet juice and other plant substances and in some marine animals and that is regarded as an inner salt or as a dipolar ion (CH3)3N+CH2COO-derived from glycine by methylation or from choline by oxidation; also : the hydrated form (OH)(CH3)3NCH2COOH b. or betaine hydrochloride : the chloride Cl(CH3)3NCH2COOH of the hydrated form used as a source of hydrochloric acid especially in medicine 2. : any of several quaternary ammonium salts analogous in structure to betaine < alanine trimethylbetaine (CH3)3N+CH(CH3)COO- > |