释义 |
cre·ative I. \(ˈ)krē|ād.]iv, -āt], ]ēv also ]əv sometimes ˈkrēəd.] or -ēət]\ adjective 1. : having the power or quality of creating : given to creation 2. : productive — used with of < events creative of alarm > 3. : having the quality of something created rather than imitated or assembled : expressive of the maker : imaginative < creative art > < creative writing > • cre·ative·ly adverb II. adjective : managed so as to get around legal or conventional limits < creative financing > also : deceptively arranged so as to conceal or defraud < creative accounting > III. noun (-s) Etymology: creative, adjective 1. : one that is creative ; especially : one involved in the creation of advertisements 2. : creative activity or the material produced by it especially in advertising |