释义 |
bie·der·mei·er I. \ˈbēdə(r)ˌmīə(r)\ adjective Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: after Gottlieb Biedermeier (“Papa Biedermeier”), satirical name for a simple, fussy, uninspired German bourgeois, the imaginary author of poems by Adolf Kussmaul died 1902, Ludwig Eichrodt died 1892, and others 1. of furniture : of a type developed in Germany between 1815 and 1848, derived from French Empire styles but at once simpler in detail and weaker and heavier in design 2. : artistically, intellectually, or socially staid, conventional, humdrum limited; also : bourgeois or Philistine < Biedermeier writers > < a comfortable Biedermeier pastor > II. noun (-s) Usage: usually capitalized : one that is Biedermeier < the story was a nice piece of Biedermeier > |