释义 |
bi·fur·cate I. \ˈbīfə(r)ˌkāt, (ˈ)bī|fərˌkāt, -|fə̄ˌ-, usu -d.+V\ verb (-ed/-ing/-s) Etymology: Medieval Latin bifurcatus, past participle of bifurcare to bifurcate, from Latin bifurcus intransitive verb : to branch or separate into two parts — often used with into < the stream bifurcated into two narrow winding channels > transitive verb : to cause to branch or separate into two parts < it might be possible to bifurcate the beam of light > Synonyms: see branch II. \ˈbīfə(r)ˌkāt, -_kə̇t; (ˈ)bī|fərkə̇t, -|fə̄k-, -ˌkāt, usu -d.+V\ adjective Etymology: Medieval Latin bifurcatus, past participle of bifurcare : divided into two branches : dichotomous — used chiefly of physical objects • bi·furcately adverb |