释义 |
bil·ber·ry \ˈbil- — see berry\ noun Etymology: bil- (probably of Scandinavian origin; akin to Danish bølle whortleberry) + berry; akin to Old Norse beyla hump — more at bile 1. : any of certain plants of the genus Vaccinium that differ from the typical blueberries in having their flowers solitary or in very small clusters and arising from axillary buds: a. : whortleberry 1 b. : any of several chiefly alpine or boreal No. American plants (as V. membranaceum, V. caespitosum, or V. uliginosum) 2. : the sweet edible blue or bluish black fruit of a bilberry 3. a. : a bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi) b. : a withe rod (Viburnum nudum) |