释义 |
unimproved I. unimproved adjective Etymology: un- (I) + improved, past participle of improve (to reprove) obsolete : not subjected to censure : unreproved II. un·improved \|ən+\ adjective Etymology: un- (I) + improved, past participle of improve (to better) : not improved: as a. of land : not tilled, built upon, or otherwise improved for use : retained in the wild or natural state < a farm with 50 acres of improved and 68 acres of unimproved land > < unimproved woodlands > b. : not used or employed advantageously or for a valuable purpose < opportunity unimproved may become a source of repining > c. : not selectively bred for better quality or productiveness : of the kind occurring in nature or as a result of chance interbreeding; often : being a scrub < unimproved native cattle yielding little meat and less milk > d. of a road : lacking a hardened surface and usually unsuitable for all year travel |