释义 |
unit I. \ˈyünə̇t, usu -ə̇d.+V\ noun (-s) Etymology: back-formation from unity 1. a. (1) : the first natural number : a number that is the least whole number and is expressed by the numeral 1 (2) : a single thing (as a magnitude or number) that constitutes an undivided whole b. : a number that divides every element of a set of numbers c. : a determinate quantity (as of length, time, heat, value, or housing) adopted as a standard of measurement for other quantities of the same kind: as (1) : a fractional part of the width of a printing character (as 1/18 of ordinary roman capital M) used in measuring the set of a piece of type and being of the same width for all type of the same point size and proportionally wider or narrower for larger or smaller point sizes (2) : an amount of work (as 120 hours of classroom work in a completed course of a secondary school) used in education in calculating student credits (as for graduation or college entrance) (3) : an amount of a biologically active agent (as a drug, serum, vitamin, or antigen) required to produce a specific result under strictly controlled conditions — compare bioassay, rat unit (4) : one percent per ton of a fertilizing ingredient < a fertilizer containing 5 percent of nitrogen, 10 percent of phosphoric acid, and 10 percent of potash includes 25 fertilizer units > 2. a. : a single thing or person or group that is a constituent and isolable member of some more inclusive whole : a member of an aggregate that is the least part to have clearly definable separate existence and that normally forms a basic element of organization within the aggregate < the township in the usual unit of government > < the family as a basic unit of society > b. : one of the commonly more or less repetitive sections combined in assembling a manufactured article (as a bookcase or kitchen cabinet) c. : a part of a military establishment that has a prescribed organization (as of personnel and materiel) < in the army units vary in size and complexity from the squad to the army > d. : a piece or complex of apparatus serving to perform one particular function < a train drawn by two diesel units > < a power station with one unit out of order > e. : a combination of two or more securities offered at a single price < a unit of one share of preferred stock and two shares of common offered at $110 > f. : a course or part of a course in an elementary or secondary school focusing on a central theme and making use of resources from numerous subject areas and the pupils' own experience g. : bargaining unit h. : a fraction of an annual pension or a retirement income benefit earned as a result of each year's service prior to retirement i. : a subdivision of a Girl Scout camp comprised of girls and counselors who live together and plan their own activities in a manner comparable to a Girl Scout troop j. : a molecule or portion of a molecule especially as combined in a larger molecule : residue < repeating units in a polymer > II. adjective 1. a. : of, relating to, forming, or involving some unit < unit sales > < studies of unit distribution > b. : existing or occurring per unit < the unit weight of cement > < a unit increment > < calculating the unit rise or vertical change per running foot > 2. : having independent existence : individual |