释义 |
un·learned \in senses 1, 2 & 4 |ən|lərnə̇d, -|lə̄n-, -|ləin- sometimes -nd, in senses 3 & 5 -nd or -nt, dial ˈlärn- or ˈlȧn-\ adjective Etymology: Middle English unlerned, from un- (I) + lerned learned — more at learned 1. : possessing little or no learning or education : unschooled, untaught < recounts the experiences of an unlearned man in the search for truth and understanding — British Book News > 2. : characterized by or revealing ignorance : not exhibiting learning < unlearned speech > 3. : not gained by study < things better unlearned > 4. : lacking in skill or knowledge : unversed — usually used with in < unlearned in the arts of war > < he was not unlearned in philosophy > 5. : independent of experience, training, or the process of learning : natural < breathing is an example of man's unlearned behavior > Synonyms: see ignorant |