

单词 member
释义 mem·ber
\ˈmembə(r)\ noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English membre, from Old French, from Latin membrum; akin to Gothic mimz flesh, Old Irish mīr bite, Greek mēninx membrane, mēros thigh, Sanskrit māṁsa flesh; basic meaning: flesh
 a. : a bodily part or organ
  < a lolling, impudent tongue — a truly unruly member — E.J.Banfield >
  < the thyroid gland … may be the offending member — H.A.Overstreet >
 specifically : a part (as a limb) that projects from the main mass of the body
  < a man with sandy hair and large bodily members — G.S.Perry >
 b. : penis
  < let my member turn to dust — William Goyen >
 c. : a unit of structure in a plant body
  < a vessel member >
2. : one who forms part of a metaphorical or metaphysical body
 < members of Christ >
 < we are members one of another — Eph 4:25 (Revised Standard Version) >
3. : one of the individuals composing a society, community, association, or other group: as
  (1) : a person who has been admitted usually formally to the responsibilities and privileges of some association or joint enterprise
   < a member of a law firm >
   < a member of the New York Stock Exchange >
   < a member of the school's governing board >
  (2) : a person who has been admitted usually formally into some social or professional society typically requiring payment of dues, adherence to a program, or compliance with some other requirements of membership
   < a member of a women's club >
   < members of the bar association >
   < a paid-up member >
 b. : a branch or affiliate of a political association
  < obtained the support of all member states >
  (1) : an elected member of the British Parliament : a member of the House of Commons
  (2) : a member of the lower house of Congress : a member of the House of Representatives
  (3) : a person having membership in any of numerous legislative bodies
 d. obsolete : a participant or associate in an action or benefit
 e. : a church communicant : a person baptized or enrolled in a church
 f. : one of the persons composing a territorial, kinship, or sociological unit
  < members of the immediate family attended the funeral >
  < alert and responsible members of their communities — Official Register of Harvard University >
  < members of the middle class >
  < members of a tribe >
4. : a constituent part of a whole: as
 a. : a section or district of an estate, port, or other territorial unit
  (1) : a syntactic or rhythmic unit of a sentence : clause
  (2) : one of the propositions of a syllogism
 c. : one of the elements of which a mathematical aggregate is composed
  (1) : a part of a building or other structure whether constructional (as a pier or lintel) or decorative (as a molding)
  (2) : an essential part of a framed structure, a machine, or a device
   < the design of compression members of bridge trusses — U.S. National Bureau of Standards Annual Report >
 e. : a minor stratigraphic unit of a geologic formation
 f. : something belonging to a class or category
  < x is a member of A >
  < a member of a species >
  < one who philosophizes is a member of the class of philosophers >
Synonyms: see part




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