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poly·glot I. \ˈpälēˌglät, -lə̇ˌg-, usu -gläd.+V\ noun (-s) Etymology: Greek polyglōttos, polyglōssos speaking many languages, many-tongued, from poly- + -glōttos glōssos tongued (from glōtta, glōssa tongue, language) — more at gloss 1. : one who speaks or writes several languages 2. usually capitalized a. : a book containing versions of the same text in several languages arranged for comparison usually in parallel columns; especially : the Scriptures in several languages b. : an edition of the Bible containing a monolingual text taken from a multilingual Bible 3. : a mixture or confusion of languages or nomenclatures < a polyglot of diagnostic labels and systems — G.N.Raines > II. adjective 1. a. : speaking or writing several or many languages : multilingual < a polyglot traveler > b. : composed of or belonging to numerous linguistic groups < a polyglot population > < a city of sharp extremes between the rich and transient and the mass of polyglot poor — Reporter > < catering to the thousands of polyglot seamen — American Guide Series: New York City > 2. : containing matter in several languages < a polyglot sign > < a polyglot dictionary > especially : composed of correlative text in several languages often arranged in parallel columns < a polyglot Bible > 3. : composed of elements from different languages < verbose, erudite, and polyglot slang — C.H.Sykes > < researchers themselves have inherited a curious polyglot terminology — A.G.N.Flew > III. adjective : widely diverse (as in ethnic or cultural origin) < a polyglot cuisine > |