释义 |
poly·he·dron \| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷|hē]drən sometimes ]ˌdrän or chiefly Brit -he]\ noun (plural polyhe·dra \]_drə\ ; or polyhedrons) Etymology: New Latin, from Greek polyedron, neuter of polyedros with many seats (i.e., sides), from poly- + hedra seat, side — more at sit 1. : a figure or solid formed by plane faces 2. also polyhedral body a. : one of the angular bodies often with hornlike appendages into which the zoospores of the water net and related algae develop and within which the vegetative coenobium develops b. : one of the refractile many-sided bodies that are present in the terminal phases of an insect polyhedrosis and are regarded as products of tissue breakdown rather than as the infective agent of the disease |