

单词 black
释义 black
I. \ˈblak\ adjective
Etymology: Middle English blak, from Old English blæc; akin to Old High German blah black, Old Norse blakra to blink, Latin flagrare to burn, Greek phlegein, Sanskrit bharga radiance, Old English bǣl fire, pyre — more at bald
 a. : of the color black : having the color of soot or coal
  < black cloth >
  < black as ebony >
 b. : very dark in color
  < his face black with rage — T.B.Costain >
 c. of written or printed letters : characterized by thickness of form and consequent intense contrast with the white of a page
  < a heavy black type >
 d. : covered or darkened with numerous dark objects close together
  < the … ceiling was … black with flies — Ann Bridge >
  < the boxcars going north would be black with harvesters sitting on the top — Meridel Le Sueur >
 a. of human beings
  (1) : having darkly pigmented skin, hair, and eyes : dark-complexioned : brunet
   < whether the writer … be a black or a fair man — Joseph Addison >
  (2) : dark in comparison to the average complexion of a group : swarthy
   < a black Irishman >
  (3) : being a member of a group or race characterized by dark pigmentation
   < organized Negro regiments commanded by black officers >
  especially : negroid — compare brown 2a, colored, white, yellow
 b. : of, belonging to, consisting of, or connected with black, especially negroid, people
  < black Africa >
  < black races >
 especially : having a large Negro population
  < a black belt >
 c. : advocating more rights for Negroes — used especially in reference to the slavery controversy of the 19th century in the U.S.
  < black abolitionist >
  < black Republican >
 a. : characterized by wearing black clothes or black armor
  < the black knight >
 b. : of, belonging to, or being a member of a group characterized or formerly characterized by wearing black: as
  (1) : clerical in politics
  (2) : fascist
   < the red and black totalitarians — Mark Starr >
   — see blackshirt
4. : soiled with dirt : dirty
 < how black your hands are >
 < the pot calls the kettle black >
 a. : characterized by the absence of light or the presence of very little light
  < a black night >
  : reflecting or transmitting little or no light
  < black water >
  < black glass >
 b. of coffee : served without cream or milk and sometimes also without sugar
 a. : outrageously wicked : deserving unmitigated condemnation
  < a black deed >
  < a black heart >
  < a black villain >
  < a moralist to whom everything is either black or white >
 sometimes : dishonorable, discreditable
 b. : expressing or indicating disgrace, dishonor, discredit, or guilt sometimes through symbolic use of an object that is black in color
  < a black mark for tardiness >
  < with evidence so black against him — Charlotte Armstrong >
7. : connected with some baneful aspect of the supernatural, especially the devil
 < a black curse >
 < black magic >
 < the black art >
 a. : unrelievedly sad, gloomy, or calamitous
  < black despair >
  < things are looking black >
  < the autumn of 1776 was a black season for the Continental Army — J.D.Hart >
 b. sometimes capitalized, of a day : marked by the occurrence of a disaster
  < on September 24, 1869, when Jay Gould, James Fisk, Jr., and their associates effected the partial corner in gold that ended so disastrously in the panic of black Friday — S.A.Nelson >
9. : expressing or characterized by menace or angry discontent : sullen, hostile
 < he gave me a black look >
 < black resentment filled his heart — Miriam James >
10. : being such to the greatest possible extent : extreme, unqualified, utter
 < it was a black born fool I had for a son — J.M.Synge >
 < they were all black strangers to me — Mary Deasy >
11. : constituting, committing, or connected with a violation of an official quota, price ceiling, rationing restriction, or other public regulation : illicit, illegal
 < the black market >
 < black gasoline >
12. [short for blackleg (I) ] chiefly Britain : subject to boycott by trade-union members as employing or favoring nonunion workmen or as operated, conducted, or made under conditions considered unfair by trade-union members
 < a black ship >
 < declare a pub black >
13. : marked by or as if by a black section on a map or chart as being affected by some undesirable condition (as infection or a high rate of unemployment)
 < the polio situation is improving but there are still some black areas >
14. : covered with a dark scale of oxide : not galvanized
 < black iron pipe >
 a. of propaganda : conducted so as to appear to originate within an enemy country and designed to weaken enemy morale — opposed to white
 b. : characterized by or connected with the use of black propaganda
  < black psychological warfare >
  < black radio >
II. noun
Etymology: Middle English blak black color, black particle, black material, from Old English blæc ink, from blæc, adjective
1. : any of various substances (as bone black, carbon black, lampblack) containing elemental carbon usually as the chief constituent
 a. : the neutral or achromatic object color of least lightness : the darkest gray : the achromatic color bearing the least resemblance to white
 b. : the one of the six psychologically primary colors that is characteristically perceived to belong to objects that neither reflect nor transmit an appreciable fraction of the incident light
 c. : any object color of very low lightness and saturation
  < the painter's blacks and browns >
3. : a black part or area : a black speck or stain
4. : a black material or substance:
 a. : black clothing
  < black is becoming to her >
  especially as worn as a sign of mourning
  < wear black for her father >
 b. : a black garment especially as worn as a sign of mourning or by men on formal occasions
  < the lawyer … in his blacks and his silk hat — G.K.Chesterton >
  < uncomfortable in his wedding blacks — Edna Ferber >
  — usually used in plural
5. : a Negro, Negrito, or Australian aborigine : a person belonging to a darkly pigmented race : a person whose appearance shows that some of his ancestors belonged to a darkly pigmented race
6. : a poacher in 18th century England who operated as a member of a band disguised by blackened faces
7. : the dark-colored pieces in a two-handed board game; also : the player by or the side of the board from which these pieces are played
 a. : a black animal: as
  (1) : a black horse
  (2) : an Aberdeen Angus
  (3) : a Norfolk turkey
 b. : an individual of a black or melanistic variety of certain common mammals (as squirrel or skunk)
9. usually capitalized : one of the Neri
10. : the black circle of a target; also : a shot that hits it
11. usually capitalized : a member or adherent of a group characterized or formerly characterized by wearing black: as
 a. : a member or adherent of a clerical political party
 b. : fascist
12. : something deserving unmitigated condemnation
 < pure whites and seamy blacks of character, inviting sighs and hisses — Leslie Rees >
 < the tendency to think only in terms of black or white — D.K.Berninghausen >
13. print : boldface 2
14. : total or nearly total absence of light : darkness
 < the black of night >
15. [from the bookkeeping practice of entering credit items in black ink] : the condition of making a profit — usually used with the
 < the company is now operating in the black >
— opposed to red
III. verb
Etymology: Middle English blaken, from blak, n.
intransitive verb
1. : blacken — often used with over
 < the sky blacked over >
2. : to put black coloring matter on one's face in preparation for playing the role of a Negro — used with up
 < black up for the minstrel show >
transitive verb
 a. : blacken 1
 b. : to bruise and discolor (an eye) by a blow
  < say that again and I'll black your eye >
2. : blacken 2
3. : to apply black coloring matter to: as
 a. : to make black and shiny by applying blacking to
  < who will black these shoes >
  < they blacked the stove >
 b. : to put black coloring matter on in preparation for playing the role of a Negro
  < the makeup man blacked the actor's face >
  — often used with up
  < he blacked himself up for the next performance >
 c. : to obliterate with or as if with black ink : blot : delete or suppress through censorship — used with out
  < ordered the passage blacked out from all copies in the school libraries — Upton Sinclair >
 d. : to treat (a ship's rigging) with tar or with a mixture containing a black oil or grease — used with down
IV. adverb
Etymology: black (I)
dialect Britain : extremely
 < black afraid >
: utterly, completely
 < the fire was black out >
V. adjective
1. : of or relating to the Afro-American people or their culture
 < black literature >
 < black college >
 < black pride >
 < black studies >
2. : typical or representative of the most readily perceived characteristics of black culture
 < trying to sound black >
 < played blacker jazz >
 a. : of or relating to covert intelligence operations
 b. : employed in covert intelligence operations
4. : characterized by black humor
 < that black, bitterly funny book, full of pain — Edmund Morris >
VI. transitive verb
chiefly Britain : to declare (as a business or industry) subject to boycott by trade-union members




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