

单词 blanket
释义 blan·ket
I. \ˈblaŋkə̇t, -aiŋ-, usu -ə̇d.+V\ noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old French blanqete, from blanc white + -et (diminutive suffix) — more at blank
 a. archaic : a white or undyed woolen cloth
 b. : a cloth woven with samples of various designs usually used as a display sample or for experimental purposes
 c. or blanket cloth
  (1) : a heavy reversible cotton fabric often with jacquard figures and usually with a dense nap used for blankets and clothing (as bathrobes)
  (2) : a similar woolen cloth in solid colors used for coats
2. : a sheet of fabric adapted to a particular purpose: as
 a. : a piece of warm fabric for use as a bed covering being of wool, cotton, or synthetic yarns and usually oblong and napped on both sides — compare quilt, robe, sheet
 b. : a similar piece of fabric used as a body covering (as for a horse or dog) or among certain primitive peoples as a cloak
 c. : a band of fabric running beneath the cloth in a cloth-printing machine and forming the covering of a slasher cylinder
  (1) : a heavy cloth used to catch fine gold or valuable minerals (as in blanket sluices or on concentrating tables
  (2) : the permeable cloth sheet or membrane used in flotation cells in ore dressing
  (1) : a sheet of wool, felt, or rubber in the packing of an impression cylinder to soften the impression or reduce makeready in printing
  (2) : a rubber sheet in an offset press that receives the inked impression from the plate and transfers it to the surface being printed
3. : a covering layer or sheet
 < a blanket of clouds >
 < the still-white snow blanket >
 a. : a covering (as of sauce, chopped vegetable, bacon) on a service of food (as of meat or fish)
  < a thick blanket of glutinous cream sauce >
 b. : a thin surface formed by one or more coats of bituminous material on a roadway
 c. : a thin widespread geologic deposit
  < a blanket ore deposit >
  < an alluvial blanket >
  — compare tabular
 d. : a streak or layer of blubber in whales
 e. : a floral display for a funeral designed to be spread over the coffin like a bed blanket
 f. : a layer of a fire-extinguishing agent (as foam or gas) spread over a burning surface in order to smother the fire
 g. : a layer of less active material surrounding the highly reactive core of an atomic reactor
 h. : insulating or shock-absorbing material formed into batts or sheets for ease of application
4. : a large pelt; especially : a beaver pelt of the largest market size
5. : something that covers and encloses
 < a blanket of gloom descended on us >
or serves to guard, isolate, and protect
 < the airfield was under security blankets >
 < the vast Civil Service blankets which Presidents Roosevelt and Truman threw over Federal personnel — Arthur Krock >
II. transitive verb
1. : to cover with or as if with a blanket
 < new green grass blanketing the slopes >
 < designed to blanket the Iron Curtain countries and other critical areas with powerful standard broadcasts — New York Times >
2. archaic : to toss in a blanket (as by way of punishment)
3. : to cover so as to obscure, interrupt, suppress, or extinguish: as
 a. : to cover (food) with a blanket
 b. : to interfere with or stop (the fire of friendly forces) by coming into the line of fire or interposing friendly forces in the line of fire
 c. : to make (radio receiving sets) ineffective by powerful signals or interference
 d. : to take the wind out of the sails of by sailing to windward of (another ship)
 e. : to control or extinguish (a fire) by means of a foam or gas blanket
 f. : exclude, eliminate — usually used with out
  < using an inert gas to blanket out corrosive fumes >
 a. : to cover or apply to uniformly despite wide separation or diversity among the elements included
  < legislation blanketing subversive acts >
  < freight rates that blanket a region >
 b. : to cause to belong : cause to be included — often used with into or in
  < every area … had automatically been blanketed into the San Jose Unified School District — Fortnight >
  < will result in blanketing additional millions into the old-age pension system >
III. adjective
 a. : including or covering a group or class without any individual apportionment
  < blanket insurance coverage >
  < a blanket wage increase >
 b. : effective or applicable in all instances or contingencies
  < a blanket price >
  < blanket rules >
  < a blanket complaint >
 a. : of, relating to, or suggestive of a blanket
 b. : having contestants extremely close together — used of the finish of a race
3. : consisting of one or more large sheets of newsprint folded once to make four pages each — often used in distinguishing the modern large newspaper from the tabloid




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