

单词 untouched
释义 un·touched
\“+\ adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from un- (I) + touched, past participle of touchen to touch
 a. : not subjected to touching : not handled
  < the new piano stood untouched for weeks >
 b. : not traveled or explored
  < free to pursue their explorations in almost untouched territory — Times Literary Supplement >
 c. : not reached
  < an enormous and hitherto untouched audience — Harrison Smith >
2. : not described or dealt with
 < in the second volume he left few areas of our life untouched — J.D.Adams >
 a. : left in an intact state or condition : not damaged or injured
  < it refreshed him to see something untouched, unscarred, unhardened by suffering — Joseph Conrad >
 b. : untasted
  < stood at the edge of the group with an untouched cocktail in her hand — Louis Auchincloss >
  (1) : being in the first state or condition : not altered, treated, or worked on
   < this small cherrywood chest-on-chest … is in its original untouched condition — Antiques >
   < published the full and untouched text of his father's diary — W.C.Ford >
  (2) : aboriginal, primeval
   < its brooding magic of an untouched world — Anita Leslie >
   < a very early human being, standing upon an untouched earth — Emma Hawkridge >
 a. : not influenced : unaffected
  < stewed in its petty provincialism untouched by the brisk debates that stirred the old world — V.L.Parrington >
 b. : not disturbed or swayed by emotion : calm, unmoved
  < the difficulty is to keep oneself untouched in a crowd — Lewis Vogler >
5. : unequaled
 < a perfection of form … untouched in English letters — H.J.Laski >
un·touched·ness noun -es




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