

单词 meteoric
释义 me·te·or·ic
\|mēd.ē|ȯrik, -ētē-, -|är-, -ēk\ adjective
Etymology: Medieval Latin meteoricus elevated, from Latin meteorus high, exalted (from Greek meteōros) + -icus -ic — more at meteor
 a. : of, relating to, or dependent on the earth's atmosphere
  < meteoric phenomena >
  < meteoric flowers >
 b. : derived from the earth's atmosphere — used especially of water
  < water precipitated from the atmosphere, meteoric water, which falls as rain or snow — P.G.Worcester >
  — compare connate 5, magmatic
2. [meteor (I) + -ic] : of, relating to or composed of meteors
 < meteoric shower >
3. : resembling a meteor in brilliance, rapidity, or short duration
 < a young executive whose rise in his company has been meteoricModern Industry >
 < the meteoric rise, temporary supremacy, and abrupt fall of this liberal coalition — P.R.Levin >
 < the brief meteoric career of a Negro jazz musician — Jerome Stone >
me·te·or·i·cal·ly \-rə̇k(ə)lē, -rēk-, -li\ adverb




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