释义 |
meth·od·ist I. \-_də̇st\ noun (-s) Etymology: method + -ist 1. a. : a person devoted to some method or laying great stress on method < the methodists are many and the men of vision very few — J.H.Randall > b. archaic : systematist 2 2. : a member of an ancient school of physicians basing its proceedings on theory and reasoning rather than observation of the patient's state and concentrating its attention especially on the pores, an acute disease being indicative of their contraction and chronic disease being associated with their relaxation 3. usually capitalized : a member or adherent of a denomination of trinitarian Protestant Christians starting as a revival within the Church of England but later separating from that church, adopting a modified episcopacy as its form of polity in America, and emphasizing an Arminian rather than a Calvinist theology in the area of doctrine II. adjective Usage: usually capitalized : of or relating to the Methodists or Methodism |