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blowoff \ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷\ noun (-s) Etymology: blow off 1. a. : a blowing off of or as if of steam, water, or other fluid (as from a boiler); sometimes : something that is blown off < the drought has made the soil blowoff very bad this year > b. : spree, binge 2. : a device for blowing off steam or gas or for discharging water or accumulated matter from pipe lines and sewers 3. : a climax especially when marked by a shift from relative passivity to vigorous action < the blowoff had come when he had lodged his thousandth complaint about the food — Don Tracy > : a strong reaction to an existent condition < upset the military balance of the area, and made some kind of blowoff inevitable — Time > 4. slang : a main or featured attraction : drawing card; especially : a special usually vulgar performance that follows the main performance in some carnivals and side shows |