释义 |
di·as·po·ra \dīˈasp(ə)rə, -ˈaas-\ noun (-s) Etymology: Greek, dispersion, scattering, from diaspeirein to scatter, spread about, from dia- + speirein to sow, scatter — more at spore 1. usually capitalized a. : the settling of scattered colonies of Jews outside Palestine after the Babylonian exile b. : the area outside Palestine settled by Jews < in Israel or in the Diaspora > c. : the Jews living outside Palestine or modern Israel d. : the state of the Jews living scattered in the Gentile world 2. : a dispersion (as of people of a common national origin or of common beliefs) : spread (as of a national culture) : exile, scattering, migration 3. : the people of one country dispersed into other countries < certain sections of the Armenian diaspora scattered over the world could be attracted — Walter Kolarz > 4. : the dispersion of Christians isolated from their own communion |