单词 | upward |
释义 | up·ward I. or up·wards 1. a. < the land gradually rose upward — J.P.Marquand > < his hands were groping upward — James Hilton > b. < an explorer moving upward from a river mouth finds a place at which the stream divides — A.A.Hill > c. < holding out her right hand, palm upwards — Tomorrow > d. < from the waist upward > < sea monster, upward man and downward fish — John Milton > 2. archaic 3. < forced his way steadily upwards by his mere soldierlike qualities — J.A.Froude > < both man and the manlike apes have developed upwards from a common prehistoric ancestral stock — R.W.Murray > < the Senate has amended its opinion of him upward — Time > 4. a. < from $5 upward > < each claiming as his own anywhere from 100 head upward — Agnes M. Cleaveland > b. < higher incomes shot swiftly upward — Oscar Handlin > < building costs have proved flexible upward but not downward — T.W.Arnold > 5. < from his youth upward > 6. 7. < this stroke … is written upward — Dwight McEwen > II. archaic < upward ragged precipices flit to save poor lambkins — John Keats > III. 1. a. < the drive along that winding upward track — Norman Douglas > < a general upward movement of fish > b. < scaling the upward sky — P.B.Shelley > 2. < the line of upward development which led to the anthropoid — R.W.Murray > 3. < discovered and named the falls … which they had barely missed on the upward journey — American Guide Series: Minnesota > 4. < her words had an upward inflection — Ethel Wilson > 5. < prices … continued their upward movement — N.H.Brown > < struggling … against the upward trend of wages — Alzada Comstock > < look forward to an unending upward market — K.D.Burke > 6. < an upward stroke — J.R.Gregg > • up·ward·ly • up·ward·ness IV. obsolete < extremest upward of thy head — Shakespeare > |
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