

单词 blunt
释义 blunt
I. \ˈblənt\ adjective
Etymology: Middle English; perhaps akin to Old Norse blunda to doze, Old English blind — more at blind
 a. : dull or deficient in feeling or perception : insensitive
  < served his time by showing how blunt the eyes and ears of writers generally are — Norman Foerster >
 b. : slow or obtuse in understanding or discernment : dull
  < this consideration will make it evident to a blunter discernment than yours — Edmund Burke >
2. : having a thick edge or point : not sharp or keen
 < the murderous knife was dull and blunt — Shakespeare >
3. archaic : lacking refinement or polish : rude, rough
 < though blunt my tale — Alexander Pope >
4. : abrupt in speech or manner : outspokenly frank : not suave : plain
 < you are entirely too blunt in your human relations — W.J.Reilly >
 < the petition was rejected in a blunt one-sentence letter of refusal — Paul Blanshard >
Synonyms: see bluff, dull
II. verb
Etymology: Middle English blonten from blunt, blont, adjective
transitive verb
 a. : to make (as an edge or point) less sharp : dull
  < blunted the swords >
 b. : to make (as an acid or corrosive) less sharp : dilute
  < blunts the acidity of vinegar >
2. : to make (as the senses or mental faculties) dull or sluggish : deaden
 < diminished men's sense of wonder and blunted their sensitiveness to the great mystery — Aldous Huxley >
3. : to lessen or destroy the force of effectiveness of : weaken
 < their zeal was quickly blunted by the yawn of habit around them — Bruce Marshall >
 < the attack was blunted >
intransitive verb
: to become dull or less sharp
 < its edges will never blunt — John Bunyan >
III. noun
Etymology: blunt (I)
1. : something blunt; specifically : blunt arrow
2. slang : ready cash : money
IV. noun
: a cigar in which part or all of the tobacco has been replaced by marijuana




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