单词 | use |
释义 | use I. 1. a. < a use of his public post to secure a favor for a friend > < become familiar with algebra through the use of a good text > < an increase in the use of intoxicating liquors > < the use of subsidies to hold food prices down — Current Biography > : application < knowledge … to be valuable must be ready for use — C.H.Grandgent > b. < a lamp in daily use for over 50 years > < put the new broom to use > < expressions out of use except in dialect > < when fountain pens first came into use > c. < worn out through long use > d. < the water in the font, having once been consecrated, tempted folk to superstitious uses — G.G.Coulton > < gain proficiency in the use of the typewriter > 2. a. (1) (2) < it had been a family use … to make a point of saving for him anything which he might possibly eat — Mary Austin > b. < ferial use > < festal use > especially < the celebration of Mass in those religious orders … whose use differs from the standard Roman rite — advt > < from henceforth all the whole realm shall have but one use — Book of Com. Prayer > c. obsolete < these things are beyond all use — Shakespeare > 3. a. < offered him the use of his pen for signing > < had the use of the usual class time for study > < nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation — U.S. Constitution > < the Lord bless this food to our use, and us to His service — Book of Com. Worship > b. < regained the use of his arm > < still has the use of his speech > c. < use of the automobile is covered by insurance > d. 4. a. < put his learning to a good use > < the river waters were dammed for power use — American Guide Series: Michigan > < develop the industrial uses of atomic energy > b. (1) < being ready first was of little use, since you were then called on to button the others — Natacha Stewart > < old clothes that might be of some use to refugees > (2) < the thing that any artist must have to go on: the feeling … that he's some use in the world — Deems Taylor > < small use to argue if he's already made up his mind > especially in negative constructions < it is no use reading this article any further until you have settled this first point for yourself — J.B.Nettleship > c. < took only what he had use for > < found little use for his rifle > 5. a. b. 6. chiefly dialect 7. < the discourse … was divided into fifteen heads, each of which was garnished with seven uses of application — Sir Walter Scott > 8. 9. < had no use for most sales managers — Time > < had very little use for the music of most of his contemporaries — Deems Taylor > Synonyms: < a tool with many uses > < put a gift of money to good use in paying off debts > service is used more frequently of persons or animals or their work or activities than of inanimate things; in relation to persons it usually suggests self-abnegation < a man of great service to the community > < put a horse to good service in hauling logs > advantage puts stress upon improvement of one's position or enhancement of something one considers of value, especially personal value < gain the advantage of a steady income > < offer valuable educational advantages — American Guide Series: Minnesota > < find some advantage in even the worst circumstances > profit is more particular in usually implying reward, often the rewarding character of what is attained but commonly pecuniary gain < whether or not they found the sources of the gold they were seeking, they certainly drew other profits from their venture — British Book News > < pursue graduate studies with profit — Official Register of Harvard University > < coal and steel interests were merging with mutual profit — American Guide Series: Pennsylvania > account usually suggests a calculated value; it occurs commonly in fixed phrases < turn every talent to good account > < consider a small loss of no account in the long run > avail strongly suggests effectualness or effectiveness, occurring usually in idiomatic phrases mostly in the negative < medicine that is of no avail in curing a given disease > < of what avail is it to spend time dreaming > Synonym: see in addition habit. • - in use II. transitive verb 1. a. archaic < the like custom is used throughout the dominions — Samuel Purchas > < it was in old times used … for men to shave themselves — Richard Montagu > b. archaic < then let them use the office of a deacon — 1 Tim. 3:10 (Authorized Version) > c. archaic < spoke near the sea in storms … to use himself to speak aloud — Earl of Chesterfield > d. chiefly dialect < it uses more the low sandy inland parts than the plovers — Hans Sloane > 2. < the pronunciations that people from different parts of the country use > < wondered whether he would ever use the tie she had given him > : exercise < examiners will use judgment and discretion in applying the exercise test — H.G.Armstrong > < use his political influence to get the job > as a. < they speak little Welsh — only forty or so in a thousand use the tongue — Wilfrid Goatman > b. < does not give scholarships to students who use tobacco > < do you use sugar in your coffee > c. archaic < … did carnally know and use his wife — Francis Hackett > d. archaic < I guess by the … waspish action which she did use — Shakespeare > < with their tongues they have used deceit — Rom 3:13 (Authorized Version) > 3. < carried air mail using two small single-engined planes and five employees — Current Biography > < some of the best tests … can be used only by professional psychologists — Bruce Payne > as a. < they use 30 days in traveling … about 1,000 miles — F.C.Lincoln > < stop by the way … to chase a rabbit, or merely to use time — Joyce Cary > b. < he is being used and manipulated by the knowing men around him — T.R.Ybarra > < juries … may be used to suppress writings in opposition to the government — Zechariah Chafee > c. < to say “life is a short word” is to mention the word life … but to say “Life is short” is to use it — R.G.F.Robinson > 4. < percent of the world's population … produces and uses almost one half of the industrial goods and services — C.C.Furnas > 5. a. archaic < he used himself more like a fellow to your Highness than like a subject — Edward Herbert > b. < had been taken prisoner by … partisans, who had used him with some brutality — Eric Linklater > 6. < took his friends a while to acquire the habit of using the “doctor” after he received his Ph.D. > < a woman who uses her maiden name professionally > 7. < houses that could use a paint job — J.W.Ellison b. 1929 > < I can use some of that gold — E.B.Lung > intransitive verb 1. a. < sit here by the window with your hand in mine … both of one mind, as married people use — Robert Browning > < he does not use to be last on these occasions — George Lillo > < the black coachman, who had used to drive … the carriage — Marguerite Young > < patrons who used to do their banking on Friday > < use to have tallyho parties out on the … pike when we were young — Anne G. Winslow > < used you to beat your mother — G.B.Shaw > b. — used in the past with to to indicate a former fact or state < claims the winters used to be harder > < isn't going to take as long as it used to > < didn't use to have a car > 2. chiefly dialect a. < if he didn't quit using around there she would make trouble for him — Mark Twain > b. < I know where the gray fox uses up yonder — R.A.Helton > Synonyms: < use a jack to raise a car > < use a knife blade to pry up a lid > < use money wisely > < used his business experience to place the country in a better financial position — S.G.Inman > < his sense of being used rose suddenly above the treacherous sympathy he had begun to feel for her — Booth Tarkington > employ may imply purposive selection, continued use or utilization, or smart turning to account < by the dialect which he employs the author betrays that he was an Ionian Greek — Benjamin Farrington > < frequently lotteries were employed to raise funds for channel clearing — American Guide Series: Tennessee > utilize may indicate finding a new, profitable, or practical use for something < it was now charged against him that he utilized his military office for private gain — R.G.Adams > < all civilized governments have utilized the Indians as military allies — M.M.Quaife > < a huge wine bottle, utilized as a pivot for the rooster weather vane when no other instrument would hold — American Guide Series: Michigan > apply may imply a using or employing especially for a particular purpose or in a particular situation, sometimes with the suggestion of bringing into contact or relationship < apply salve to a burn > < apply pressure at a crucial point > < the value of applying statistical methods to the data > < undertakes to apply the findings of science to personal problems — American Guide Series: Michigan > avail in reflexive uses applies to a using or taking advantage of something one might waive or leave untouched < I doubt if I should abuse the permission. It is a hundred to one if I should avail myself of it four times a year — Charles Dickens > < takes us thus directly into the consciousness of his characters, and in order to do so, he has availed himself of methods of which Flaubert never dreamed — Edmund Wilson > • - use language |
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