释义 |
body I. \ˈbädē, -di\ noun (-es) Etymology: Middle English, from Old English bodig; akin to Old High German botah body 1. a. : the total organized physical substance of an animal or plant : the aggregate of tissues : the physical organism: as (1) : the material part or nature of man (2) : the dead organism : corpse (3) : the person of a human being b. : person : human being < a feckless body who hasn't the faintest idea how to run a house — C.F.Brockington > 2. religion a. : the bread in the sacrament of the Lord's Supper held by some to be and by others to represent Christ's body b. : the Christian church conceived as a mystical living being of which Christ is the head c. : the form assumed by man after the resurrection of the dead 3. : the trunk (as of a person, animal, plant) without appendages : the main, central, or principal part of something: as a. : the nave of a church b. (1) : the bed or box of a vehicle on or in which the load is placed (2) : the enclosed or partly enclosed part of an automobile usually not including the hood and fenders c. : the part of a garment covering the body or trunk d. (1) : the main part of a document, speech, or literary composition as distinguished from the title, preamble, preface, conclusion, or appendixes (2) : the text of a book as distinguished from the front matter, footnotes, and back matter (3) : the main part of a social or business letter as distinguished from the heading, salutation, and close e. : the hull of a ship f. : the sound box or pipe of a musical instrument g. : the dominant part of a fortification h. : tube 3a i. : the statement of a plaintiff's case in a legal action j. : the main or the larger part of a tool < the body of a square is its larger arm > k. : the fuselage of an aircraft 1. in printing (1) : text or ordinary reading matter especially as distinguished from headlines, display lines, footnotes, or tables < a good body type > < body matter > (2) : the main matter of a table exclusive of the headings m. : the largest part of a container; especially : the part forming the side walls in a metal can body n. : the main casing of a projectile; specifically : the part of a projectile between the bourrelet and the rotating band 4. a. : a mass or portion of matter especially distinct in its totality from other masses < a body of cold air > < a body of water > < no definite proof that the bodies found were nitrogen bubbles — H.G.Armstrong > b. obsolete : the real as opposed to the symbolical : the substance as opposed to the shadow c. : one of the seven planets of the old astronomy — called also celestial body, heavenly body d. : one of the seven metals corresponding to the seven planets of the old astronomy — called also terrestrial body e. : a solid figure in geometry f. : a kind or form of matter : a material substance < combining chemical elements to form compound bodies > g. : amount, quantity : bulk, extent h. : something that embodies, realizes, or gives concrete reality to a thing < see how his theory works in the solid body of a novel — C.C.Walcutt > < his intuitions of the future may still give body to a better world — New York Times > specifically : something that is perceptible or realizable as exhibited in space, that has sensible qualities, or that is the cause of sensation i. obsolete : entity, subject j. : ore body 5. archaic : a vessel for distilling : cucurbit 6. : a group or number of persons or things: as a. : a fighting unit : force < a body of cavalry > b. : a group of individuals united by a common tie or organized for some purpose : a collective whole or totality : corporation < a legislative body > < a clerical body > < the student body of the university > < a solid body of educated readers — V.S.Pritchett > c. : a number of particulars regarded as forming a system or embodied in a comprehensive and systematic presentation < a body of facts > < a body of law > < a body of learning > < a body of precedents > 7. a. : viscosity, consistency — used especially of oils and grease < a paint with considerable body is needed to hide the light undercoating > < oil used in machinery that heats up must have a good deal of body > b. : compactness or firmness of texture in cloth c. : fullness or resonance of a musical tone < his baritone has body and richness > d. : fullness or richness of flavor — used of a beverage e. : import, significance, meaningfulness — usually used of a literary or dramatic work < a play with very little body but quite amusing > f. : strength in intermediate cards (as tens, nines, and eights) in a bridge hand additional to strength in higher cards 8. a. : a clay or a mixture (as of clay and frit or ground rock) from which clayware is made b. : a piece of ceramic ware distinct from its glaze 9. a. : the part of an attachment plug that screws into a lamp holder b. (1) : the part of a lamp holder or receptacle that contains the contacts (2) : a lamp holder and its outer shell c. : the part of a flexible cord connector that receives the attachment plug cap 10. of printer's type a. : the part extending from foot to shoulder : all that underlies the bevel < a kerned letter extends beyond the edge of the body > — called also shank; see type illustration b. : the distance from belly to back — used as a dimension < a 10-point face on a 12-point body > II. transitive verb (-ed/-ing/-es) Etymology: Middle English bodien, from body (I) 1. : to furnish with a body : give material form or shape to : embody < believed the sovereign state bodied a divine idea > 2. : to give form or shape to in imagination or art : represent, symbolize, indicate — often used with forth < never been a poet who enjoyed the sensuous world with more gusto … or who more solidly bodied it forth — Edmund Wilson > < an allegorical figure bodying forth the plight of modern man > 3. : to give strength, substance, or body to; specifically : to increase the viscosity of (an oil) usually by heating with resulting polymerization — see bodied oil |