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uto·pia \yüˈtōpēə\ noun (-s) Etymology: from Utopia an imaginary country with ideal laws and social conditions (from Greek ou not, no + topos place) described in the book Utopia (1516) by Sir Thomas More died 1535 English statesman and author — more at topic 1. : a place (as a region, island, country, or locality) that is imaginary and indefinitely remote 2. often capitalized : a place, state, or condition of ideal perfection especially in laws, government, and social conditions < that workers' utopia … in which there are more jobs than men seeking them — S.E.Harris > — often used without article < many were persuaded that independence would usher in utopia — A.E.Stevenson b. 1900 > 3. : an impractical and usually impossibly ideal scheme especially for social improvement 4. : a romance or other work describing a utopia < a utopia written for girls — Emory Holloway > |