

单词 utopian
释义 uto·pi·an
I. \(ˈ)yü|tōpēən\ adjective
Usage: often capitalized
Etymology: New Latin utopianus, from Utopia, Sir Thomas More's imaginary country + Latin -anus -an
1. : of, relating to, or having the characteristics of a utopia; specifically : having impossibly ideal conditions (as in politics, economics, and social customs and organization)
 < the dim utopian future — J.G.Colton >
 < a utopian commonwealth >
2. : proposing or advocating visionary and usually impractically ideal schemes especially for the perfection of social and political conditions
 < utopian idealists >
3. : involving or founded upon imaginary perfection : impossibly ideal : chimerical, visionary
 < those who react adversely to secrecy often propose utopian alternatives — R.A.Dahl >
 < branded as a utopian objective — M.K.Dziewanowski >
 < recognized the utopian nature of his hopes — C.S.Kilby >
4. : believing in, advocating, or having the characteristics of utopian socialism
 < utopian socialists >
 < utopian doctrines >
II. \ ̷ ̷ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷\ noun
Usage: sometimes capitalized
1. : a native or inhabitant of a utopia
 a. : one that believes in the perfectibility of human society : idealist, visionary
  < a consistent utopian, expecting the future to realize her hopes — Van Wyck Brooks >
 b. : one that proposes or advocates plans usually of an impractical kind for social improvement and especially toward ideal social and political conditions
  < the attempts of utopians to impose an impossible social order — N.S.Timasheff >
 c. : one that believes in or advocates utopian socialism




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