释义 |
utri·cle \ˈyü.trə̇kəl, -rēk-\ noun (-s) Etymology: Latin utriculus small bag, diminutive of uter leather bag : any of various small pouches or saccate parts of an animal or plant body: as a. (1) : an air cell of a fucoid seaweed (2) : one of the bladders of a bladderwort (3) : a saclike terminal branch of an alga of the genus Codium b. (1) : the part of the membranous labyrinth of the ear into which the semicircular canals open — compare saccule (2) : utriculus b c. : a small one-celled usually indehiscent one-seeded or few-seeded achene (as that of a goosefoot or amaranth) with thin membranous pericarp — see fruit illustration |