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va·lence \ˈvālən(t)s\ noun (-s) Etymology: Late Latin valentia power, capacity, from Latin valent-, valens (present participle of valēre to be strong) + -ia -y — more at wield 1. a. : the degree of combining power of an element or radical : the number of atoms of hydrogen, sodium, fluorine, or other univalent element with which an atom of the element or a molecule of the radical will combine by means of bonds or for which it can be substituted or with which it can be compared : the oxidation state of an element in a compound < potassium has a valence of one because a gram atom combines with a gram atom of hydrogen to form potassium hydride KH or with a gram atom of fluorine to form potassium fluoride KF > < iron has a variable valence; two in ferrous chloride FeCl2 and three in ferric chloride FeCl3 > — see covalence, electrovalence; compare coordinate bond, polar valence 2 b. : a unit of valence < the four valences of carbon > 2. a. : relative capacity to unite, react, or interact (as with antigens or a biological substrate) b. : the degree of attractiveness an individual, activity, or object possesses as a behavioral goal < the group may have a positive valence for member A because he has friends in it — Neal Gross & W.E.Martin > |