

单词 boom
释义 boom
I. \ˈbüm\ transitive verb
Etymology: Dutch bomen, from boom tree, pole, beam
1. : to extend, move, or manipulate with a boom — usually used with off or out
 < boom out a sail >
 a. : to confine (logs) by means of a boom
 b. : to supply (a body of water) with a boom or booms
3. : to lift and position (a load attached to a derrick) by raising and swinging the boom
II. noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Dutch, tree, pole, beam, from Middle Dutch; akin to Old High German boum tree — more at beam
1. : a long spar projecting from a ship used variously to extend the foot of a sail or facilitate handling of cargo or mooring — see ship illustration
2. : any of various devices resembling a ship's boom in appearance or function used usually to maneuver a piece of equipment into a desired position: as
 a. : a long beam projecting from the mast of a derrick to support or guide the body to be lifted or swung
 b. : a long more or less horizontal supporting arm or brace (as for holding a microphone)
3. : a 2-masted sailing ship used for coastal trade and pearling in the eastern Mediterranean and Indian ocean
 a. : a line of connected floating timbers across a river or enclosing an area of water to keep saw logs together; also : the enclosed logs
 b. : an obstruction formed of floating logs that retards the flow of a stream
 c. : a similar construction arranged to guide floating logs in a certain direction
5. : a long wooden bar of more or less elliptical cross section supported horizontally and adjustable as to height and used as a support in executing gymnastic stunts and exercises
6. : a chain cable or line of spars extended across a river or the mouth of a harbor to defend it by obstructing navigation
7. : a spar or outrigger connecting the tail surfaces and the main supporting structure of an airplane — called also tail boom
III. verb
Etymology: imitative
intransitive verb
 a. : to make a deep hollow sound
  < the cannon boomed from the deck >
  < surf booming on the distant shore >
 b. : to utter a deep resonant cry with a hollow note (as of a bird)
  < in some deep canyon a night owl started booming — F.B.Gipson >
 c. : to make a sonorous humming or croaking sound (as of an insect or animal)
  < two frogs boomed again, close at hand — William Beebe >
 a. : to move swiftly and with a booming sound (as of a ship under full sail)
 b. of a person : to move about from place to place idly : bum, tramp
 a. of a river : to rise suddenly (as during a spring freshet); specifically : to reach a height sufficient to float logs
 b. of logs : to float down a river that is booming
 a. : to have a sudden increase in popular esteem or importance often occasioned by a compelling exhortation or appeal
  < the movement to elect him president began to boom early in the convention >
 b. : to experience a sudden rapid growth and expansion usually including or implying an increase in market value
  < business was booming >
  < stocks began to boom >
 c. : to develop rapidly in population and importance often as a result of location or connection with a feature that draws people to the region
  < California began to boom when gold was discovered there >
transitive verb
1. : to sound forth or give out with a resonant or booming sound — often used with out
 < a 21-gun salute boomed out by the artillery >
 a. : to cause a rapid growth or increase of (as in price, sales, commercial development, influence, prestige)
  < skyrocketing rates and unregulated bookings are booming the market — Eliot Janeway >
 b. : to work for and encourage such growth or increase in
  < real estate operators hopefully tried to boom the area — American Guide Series: Connecticut >
  : push, boost
  < enthusiasts boomed the old soldier — E.T.Folliard >
IV. noun
1. : a booming sound: as
 a. : a roar especially of waves
 b. : the cry of a bird or animal that booms
  < the boom of a bittern >
2. : a strong rapid expansion movement: as
 a. : advocacy and progression into favor of a candidate for office
 b. : rapid settlement and development of a town or district often through the efforts of promoters
  < the Klondike boom came with the gold rush >
 c. : an expansion of economic activity that is characterized by optimistic expectations, increased employment, rising prices and production, and credit expansion
  < in the midst of an $8,500,000 building boomNew York Times >
 d. : the period during which such expansion occurs
  < during the boom, tremendous tasks of production and administration are performed — Philip Klein >
V. adjective
: participating in, arising from, or maintained by an economic boom
 < the boom days of lumbering >
 < boom prices >
VI. noun
Etymology: boom (II)
: a temporary floating barrier used to contain an oil spill
VII. noun
Etymology: boom (IV)
: an upsurge in activity, interest, or popularity
 < a folk music boom >
VIII. adverb
Etymology: boom (IV)
: without delay or hesitation : suddenly
 < then boom, he was fired >
— often used interjectionally to indicate suddenness




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